Unit three: key words Flashcards
Absolute advantage
Where a country using a given resource input is able to produce more than other countries with the same input.
Absolute poverty
When an individual or household’s income is insufficient for them to afford basic shelter, food and clothing.
Accelerator theory
The theory that the level of investment is related to past changes in national income.
Activist shareholders
Shareholders that will clamour for greater dividends and ay mobilise other shareholders to oppose management.
Activity rate/Participation rate
The proportion of the population of working age in a job or actively seeking work.
Actual growth
An increase in the productive potential of the economy matched by an increase in demand.
A tax which is a percentage of the price of the unit.
Adaptive expectations
Where decisions about the future are based upon past information.
Adjustable peg
Value of the fixed exchange rate can be changed as circumstances require
Allocative efficiency
The optimum allocation of scarce resources that best accords with the consumers’ pattern of demand.
Allocative ineffeciency
When resources are not used to produce goods and services wanted by customers.
Anglo-Saxon neo-liberalism
Economic reform aimed at boosting the dynamism of economies - in contrast to the ‘social model’ which stresses social objectives.
Annual General Meeting
Annual meeting where shareholders can discuss the accounts and elect directors.
Anticipated inflation
Where economic agents correctly predict the future rate of inflation.
When a floating currency increases in value
Increasing the value of currency in a free-floating exchange rate system.
Automatic stabilisers
Features of government spending and taxation that minimise fluctuations in the economic cycle.
Average cost pricing
Setting the price at the level of average cost.
Average fixed cost
Total fixed costs divided by the number produced.
Average product
The total product divided by the number of workers.
Average revenue
Total revenue divided by the number sold
Average total cost
Total cost divided by the number produced
Average variable cost
Total variable costs divided by the number produced.
Backward-bending supply curve for labour
The individual labour supply curve is thought to be this shape because it is assumed workers will prefer to work fewer hours as their income increases above a certain level.