Unit Three Flashcards
Monthly debt divided by your gross monthly income
Debt to Income Ratio
Repayment schedule may be differed while the student is still in school
Student Loan Debt
Legal obligation made by this person to make payments in event of default
Details person financial history specific to their ability to repay borrowed money
Credit Report
Company that collects information related to individuals payment practices
Credit Bureau
Limits the behavior or actions of those attempting to obtain a payment
Fair Debt/Collections Laws
Is a legal binding contract for a specific period of time
Lease (Apartment)
Often displayed by drama addicts and poor planning
Management by Crisis
Cash taken from an individual’s account every month
Auto Payments
Fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions
Paradigm Shift
A range of investments held by a person
The most expensive version of financing
Lease (Car)
Oversized amount due at the end of a mortgage or commercial loan
Balloon Payment
Drops in 18%-28% in the first year
Brand New Car
The difference between current market value and what is owed