Unit Test Flashcards
Is the place where something can be found on the earths surface using latitude and longitude.
This is how people impact their natural surroundings to meet their needs.
Human Environment Interaction
People moving from place to place because of lack of land, religious persecution, or jobs. There are push factors which make people leave and pull factors which make people move this is easier today than it has ever been because of easy transportation.
Movement and migration
A region is specific piece of land that is special to itself by landforms or geographic location ion. The three regions of Latin America are middle America, the Caribbean and South America.
This is the specific address at which something is there.
Absolute Location
This describes what landmarks are around you.
Relative Location
These are the lines that run around the earth the equator is one.
These are the lines that run up and down on the earth for example the prime meridian.
This is a map projection that is an oval that shows continents and lines of latitude and longitude.
Winkel Triple Projection
This is a cylindrical map projection that shows the distance between land.
This projection shows the whole world at once this was made as a flat globe.
Robinson Projection
This projection was made to show the actual land area of a continent or country.
Goodes Interpreted Projection
The key is a legend in the corner which shows what some. Things that are added to the map mean.
This is what shows how much a distance for example an inch is equal to how man miles on a map.
This is the interaction between people by trade or technology.
The number of deaths per 1000 people per year
Death Rate
The amount of people that are born per 1000 people per year.
Birth Rate
This is the amount of people that live in a square kilometer or mile.
Population Density
This is the amount of people moving from rural to urban environments.
This is a way of life similar people live by with certain customs or beliefs.
This is certain language that people speak.
This is a form of government that people live by where the people vote.
This is a form of government where there is one person who rules the country.
This is a form of government where a family rules a country and it is only that bloodline.
This is the type of government where the government determines trade deals, manufacturing, and industry.
Command Economy
This is a type of grassland in northern South America in Venezuela.
This is a type of grassland in southern South America mainly in Argentina where there are large grasslands.
These are the people that are from mixed Native American and European decent.
He was a Spanish conquerer who led to the fall of the Aztec empire.
Hernan Cortes
They lived in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,and El Salvador.
Mayan people
The first people to inhabit Mexico and Guatemala
He took over inca empire and he himself killed the emperor.
These people lived in Mexico in 900-1168.
These people had a capital of tenochtitlan and lived in central Mexico.
These were a dominant group that lived in Colombia.
This man took over power for his brother to lead Cuba.
Raul Castro
This man came into power in Cuba and made Cuba a communist country.
Fidel Castro
This man helped colonize Venezuela and Bolivia.
Simone Bolivar
This man was a leader of Argentina who helped break away fro the Spanish rule.
San Martin
This man was the military leader who took over power in a coup and became a dictator his wife Eva was liked more than he was.
Juan Peron
This man was the 64th president of Venezuela and he ruled from 1999-2013
Hugo Chavez
This man was the leader of the Haitian revolution from the French.
Francois Dominique Tousaint l’ouvertoure
These are the cow hands in northern South America and Latin America.
These are the cowhand a in Brazil and Argentina.
A way to manufacture without tariffs and send to other countries.
These are farms that are in ones backyard that only the family can live off of to survive.
Subsistence farms