Unit One Vocab Flashcards
Used to describe anything that God has made “ex nihilo” (from nothing)
The study of the world that God created “ex nihilo” (from nothing)
A person who spends much of his working time applying the scientific method in his search for truth
the knowledge of science as it is applied to solve practical problems
Scientific attitude
The posture with which one approaches God’s world and the assumptions one has about his own observations of it (e.g. Humble posture with the assumption he may be wrong vs. proud posture with the assumption that he is right)
False ideas that recognize powers outside God and his created laws
The presence of patterns, system and regularity
Scientific method
A man-made process used to discover truth about the order of God’s created world, consisting of 1) the statement of a problem and 2) an experiment performed in order to the find the answer to that problem
A test used for answering a scientific question, in which the observations can be controlled
The use of the five senses to gather and record data during an experiment; a piece of data gathered during an experiment
That which remains unchanged during an experiment
A very important conclusion made after applying the scientific method but which still needs further testing. (Short answer: an educated guess.)
A highly-researched yet unproven hypothesis based on man’s limited observations and reasoning
A statement that is true in all cases (e.g. all robin eggs are blue)
An object hung in such a way that enables it to swing back and forth