Unit One Study Guide Flashcards
what is government
institution through which a society makes and forms its policies
what is the purpose of government
to maintain order, provide essential services, protection from invasion
what are the four essential characteristics of the State
population, territory, soverignty, organized government
what is soverignty
absolute authority within a country’s own territory
what is the evolutionary theory
theory where governmetn evolved from one family
what is the force theory
one person or group used force to establish its authority to govern the people
what is the divine right theory
rulers were chosen by gods to govern
what is the social contract theory
people gave government its power to govern them in exchange the government had to resect their rights
who is Thomas Hobbs
Wrote leviathan, believed humans are not good and that we are brutes by nature, we need a ruler, we dont have right to overthrow bad government
who was John Locke
wrote two treatises on government, government derives power from the people, gov. must protect peoples rights , corrupt gov should be removed
what is autocracy
rule of one
what is oligarchy
rule of the few or committee
what is theocracy
ruler of a religious leader
what is democracy
rule of the people, government limited by people
what is direct democracy
people rule directly
what is an indirect democracy
people elect representatives to govern for them
what are characteristics of democray
gov. attempts to secure equal opportunities, based on majority rules, respect for minority rights, political parties choose candidates
what is a presidential system
seperate executive banch, execultive and leg. branch are seperate and coequal, powers are in constitution
what is a parliamentary system
exec and leg. branches are together, executive is chosen and controlled by leg. branch, removal by vote of no confidence,
what is a unitary system
only one level of government (national)