Unit One - Latin and Greek roots Flashcards
(fo to tro pik) adj.
Tending to grow or move towards light
G. photos + tropein, “to turn” = to turn toward the light
Because theyare phototrophic, dasies always grow towards the sun.
(fos fe res ent) adj.
Giving off light without heat
G. phos + phorein, “to bear” = light-bearing
Harvey stuck phosphorescent stars on his ceiling so that it would resemble the nighttime sky.
(fo te jenik) adj.
Attractive in pictures of photographs
G. photos + genic, “suitable for” = suitable for photographs
Lucy was so photogenic that total strangers often asked to take her picture.
Latin LUX, LUCIS “light”
(loo sid) adj.
Easy to understand; clear
Sophie’s explanation of quantum physics was so lucid that I understood everything.
syn: comprehensible ant: confusing
(e loo si dat) v.
To make clear by explaining
L. e, “from,” lucis = to bring light from
The attorney asked the witness to further elucidate the information he had.
syn: clarify ant: confuse
(trans loo sent) adj.
Allowing llight to pass through
L. trans, “through,” + lucis = light passing through
Through a translusent blue cloth draped over the window, we could see the sun.
syn: semi-transparent
Latin SPECERE, SPECTUM “to look at”
(sur kem spekt) adj.
Careful; mindful of rules and consequenses
L. circum, “around,” + spectum = looking around
The marchers in th protest tried to be circumspect and not break any laws.
syn: prudent ant: reckless
(pros pekt) n.
That which is expected
L. pro, “forward,” + spectum = looked forward to
The prospect of a trip to the dentist with my bratty kid brother was hardly thrilling.
(spek ter) n.
A ghost or phantom
Hattie seemed to see a specter in every corner of the dark house.
Latin VIDERE, VISUM “to see, to look”
(in vid e es) adj.
Hateful or spiteful
L. in, “against,” + videre = to look against
One candidate made an invidious speech against his opponent.
syn: defamatory ant: pleasant
(pra ve den shel) adj.
Happening by good fortune
L. pro, “forward,” + videre = to look forward
Though a providential series of events, Nigel found himself manager of the company.
syn: fortunate ant: unlucky
(im pre viz) v.
To create without any forethought or preparation
L. in, “not,” pro, “forward,” + visum = not seen in advance
When Carl lost the cards with his speech on them, he was forced to improvise.
ant: plan