unit one Flashcards
Formal Region
area inhabited by people who have one or more characteristics in common.
language, economic activities
Functional Region
area organized to function politically, socially, and economically as a single unit
cites bc railroads
new urbanism
healthier lifestyle better houses more expensive tho
urban growth
gives more jobs less traffic and poultion
reasons for high population in poor countries
less assesses to forms of birth control, education for women and girls early marriage
primary econ
production of raw materials
secondary econ
manufactures finished goods
Tertiary econ
serves to the general population (healthcare)
bilingualism bad
creates tension can’t unify as a nation
bilingualism good
nation state
different culture religion
Redistricting for political advantage (redrawing the electoral map to favor certain groups)
lingua franca
a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.
rate of natural increase (stable rate)
gross national product (indicator)
human development index (index)