Unit One Flashcards
According to Thomas Paine, the colonist should break away from England and create their own monarchy.
false. they should’ve created a democracy.
The articles of confederation gave congress and the govt. the power to settle arguments between states.
congress and the government were allowed to amend the articles with the consent of 10 states.
false. they needed the consent of all 13
the articles of confederation gave congress and the Gov the power to levy taxes to fund war.
under the articles of confederation, the state governments were dependent on the national gov for revenue, soldiers, and law enforcement.
false, state gov already had to power to control this.
this man wrote THE TWO TREATISES OF GOVERNMENT which influenced the writers of our constitution.
Johns Locke.
signed in 1620 by the pilgrims, this colonial plan for self rule is called.
the mayflower compact.
the first legislature in what because the United States was the
Virginia house of burgesses
the first battles of the revolutionary war were fought at
Lexington and concord.
the intolerable acts prompted the colonists to take this action against Britain.
an embargo.
according to the articles of confederation this power was granted to congress.
to amend the Articles of confederation.
many Americans wanted a strong national govt after
shay’s rebellion
the articles of confederation went into effect in 1781 after all 13 states
ratified them
trade among states was known as
interstate commerce
the compromise made by the founders on this issue left a terrible burden for future generations
the manga carta was important because it
established a limited govt
this began as a struggle over lands in western Pennsylvania and Ohio
French and Indian war
this led to the Boston tea party.
britains increased tax revenue.
this man wrote the original draft of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson
according to the articles of confederation this was the purpose of congress
to make laws.
this man was known as the father of the constitution
James Madison.
federalist were concerned that with out a strong national govt this would triumph
anti federalist believed this was needed
bill of rights
House of Commons» commoners
House of Lords» ??
according to the pilgrim leaders, why did they draft the mayflower compact
to help govern themselves
COLONIAL PRACTICES: •Essential Elements •Written Constitution •Legislature •??
several practices of the colonial governments are essential elements of the U.S. gov. what best completes the chart, identifying these practices.
Separation of Powers
- French and Britain disagree over control of land in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio.
- 1754-1763 ???
- Britain expects colonists to repay war debt.
- Britain imposes stamp act of 1765.
choose the best answer that completes the cause and effect chart leading up to the revolutionary war
French and Indian war
“I do not consider it any part of my charge to invent new ideas, but to place before Mankind the common sense if the subject in terms so plain and firm as to command their asset… it was intended to be an expression of American mind.” -Thomas Jefferson.
in this quote, Jefferson is referring to this, which he wrote in 1776
Declaration of Independence
- statement of purpose and basic human rights
- ???
- colonist determination to separate from Great Britain
the Declaration of Independence is divided into 3 sections. what was the subjec t of the middle section?
complaints against George III
“the general gov ought … to posses the means of preserving the peace and tranquility of the Union .. the encroachments of some states on the rights of others and of all on Jose of the confederacy and are incontestable proofs of the weakness and imperfection of that system” -William Davis 1787
in this quote, he is expressing his opinion of the
articles of confederation
“this dreadful situation has alarmed every man of principle and property in New England as from a dream and ask what had been the cause of our delusion. what will give us security against the violence of lawless men. our gov must be strengthened. changed. or altered to secure our lives and property”
what dreadfully situation is Henry Knox referring to?
shays rebellion
- 1786-economic depression leaves farmers and merchants in debt
- ???
- Annapolis convection
- constitutional convention
shays rebellion
which plan or compromise was based on the articles of confederation?
New Jersey plan
- advocate for strong national gov
- Virginian
- father of constitution
who am I?
James Madison
- strong national executive chosen by legislature
- strong national gov w two chambers
- national judiciary appointed by legislature
which of the following best describes the concept outlined in the chart?
Virginia plan.
- send and receive ambassadors
- raise and equip and navy
- make war and peace
- ???
establish post offices.
- no power to regulate trade
- no national court system
- no power to levy or collect taxes
- ???
no executive branch
what did the pilgrims agree to in the mayflower compact?
to choose their own legislature and make their own laws
the pilgrims were a religious people who
reflected their religion in their gov
this term means a state has supreme and absolute authority within its territorial boundaries.
this is the institution through which the state maintains social order
American colonies declared their independence based on
John Locke’s political writings.
Abe Lincoln said that one Of the important purposes of gov is to
provide essential services
first legislature in America
Virginia house of burgesses.
pilgrims government agreement
mayflower compact
philosopher of natural rights
john Locke
cause for colonists’ revolt
government w out representation
states approval
absense of political order
according to John Locke, people are obligated to obey their government.
- strong national legislature; lower chamber chosen by the people; upper chamber chosen by legislature
- strong national executive. Hosea by legislature
- national judiciary appointed by legislature
Virginia plan
- based on articles of confederation
- strengthened single house legislature
- weak national executive elected by congress
- national judiciary appointed by executive
New Jersey plan
-legislature made up of senate w two members from each state and house w representation based on population
Connecticut compromise
Further composited are
- 3/5 compromise
- commerce and slave trade compromise
- electoral college compromise
- presidential term length compromise
Further composited are
- 3/5 compromise
- commerce and slave trade compromise
- electoral college compromise
- presidential term length compromise