Unit Of Measurements Flashcards
How it is measured the permeability? Which are the conversions we can do?
In Darcy or in m^2.
In particular 1mD=10^-15 m^2
Which is 1bar in S.I.? And by using L,M,T?
1bar=10^5 Pa = 10^5 [M/(L*T^2)]
Hydraulic Conductivity “K”
10^-6~10^-3 [L/T]
Formation Volume Factor ”FVF”
10^-3~10^-2 [/]
Gas Compressibility “Cg”
2~4*10^-3 [bar^-1] [LT^2/M]
Effective porosity “ne”
0~35% [/] for Unconfined ne=Storage coefficient
Storage coefficient for Confined
S=10^-5~10^-2 [/]
Hydraulic Gradient “i”
0,1~3 [/]
Molecular diffusion “Do”
10^-9~10^-6 [L^2/T]
Formation and Water compressibility
10^-5 [bar^-1] [LT^2/M]
Which is 1 cP in SI?
1 cP=mPa*s
Gas Viscosity “μ” and formation water viscosity
0,01~0,02 [cP]
0,4~0,5 [cP]
Effective velocity “ve”
10^-9~10^-4 [L/T] m/s
Differenze tra Breakthrough curve e Concentration Profiles?
Breakthrough: @fixed distance
Conc. Profiles: @fixed time
Pollici in centimetri?
1 in = 2.54
1kg in tonnellate?
1kg=10^-3 ton
Water density
997 kg/m^3