Unit Nine Flashcards
adj. Not direct or straightforward
L. tortus = twisting
The tortuous road up the mountain was difficult and dangerous to navigate in the dark.
syn: circuitous ant: straightforward”
“RETORT (ri tôrt´) v. To respond critically or sarcastically
L. re, “back,” + tortus = to twist (words) back
When I complained that Paula had given me bad directions, she retorted that I should have looked at a map.
syn: reply”
“v. To wrongly or illegally force someone to comply with a demand
L. ex, “out of,” + tortus = twisted out of
Because the corrupt official possessed potentially damaging information about his colleagues, he wanted to extort money from them.
syn: coerce ant: coax”
“adj. Talkative; given to rapid, abundant speech
L. volutum = rolling out (words)
Our new recruit was an enthusiastic and voluble young man who would strike up a conversation with anyone.
syn: chatty ant: quiet”