Pursuant to the PSA, where a POLICE OFFICER engages in a form of misconduct or fails to meet work performance standards AND provided that the member was NOT suspended, a __________________ may resolve the matter at unit level without a hearing.
With maximum unit level penalty that can be imposed of 3 days or 24 hrs, which is NOT an option for satisfying penalty?
o Working without pay, on regular scheduled day off
o Applying vacation entitlement
o Applying RDO exhange hours
o Applying Overtime/lieu time credits
Applying RDO exhange hours
When no more than 20 days or 160 hours are imposed as a penalty, the officers shall satisfy the penalty by working without pay, on a regular day off.
True of False
In addition to or instead of penalties satisfied in days or hours, which of the following may NOT also be imposed:
o Reprimand
o Specified counselling, treatment or training
o Limitations of paid duties and callbacks
o Any specific program or activity
o Any combination of above
Limitations of paid duties and callbacks
All penalties shall be concluded within ________from the date penalty was imposed.
Penalty Infractions Associated to Paid Duties
1st offence- Administrative Suspension of paid duties for ____ CWW cycles (___Weeks)
2 CWW cycles (10 Weeks)
Penalty Infractions Associated to Paid Duties
2nd Offence- Administrative Suspension of paid duties for ____CWW cycles (____Weeks)
4 CWW cycles (20 Weeks)
Penalty Infractions Associated to Paid Duties
After Hearing- A UC may impose an Administrative Suspension of paid duties for ____CWW cycles (____Weeks) to a _________.
4 CWW cycles (20 Weeks) to a FULL YEAR
What is the 2nd offence penalty for fails to treat or protect a person equally with discrimination of race, ancestry…?
What is the 1st offence penalty range for uses profane, abusive or insulting language to persons race, ancestry…?
Reprimand-24 hrs
What is the 1st offence penalty range for uses profane, abusive or insulting language or uncivil to public?
Reprimand- 8 hrs
What is the 2nd offence penalty for red light camera (unless Staff Super gives permission to reduce)?
12 hrs
What is the 1st offence penalty for travelling in excess of 150 km/hr in TPS vehicle (unless permission to reduce by Staff Super)?
8 hrs
What is the 1st offence penalty range for insubordinate by word, act or DEMEANOR?
Reprimand-8 hrs
What is the 2nd offence penalty range for without lawful excuse, disobey, omits or neglects to carry out any lawful order?
8-24 hrs
What is the 1st offence penalty for CPIC breaches?
What is the 2nd offence penalty range for Without lawful excuse neglects, omits promptly and diligently to perform duty re: Generally, Fail to complete court brief & case dismissed, withdrawn or even no impact?
8-24 hrs
What is the 1st offence penalty range for Fails to work in accordance with others, leaves area detachment/detail without permission or sufficient cause?
Reprimand - 8 hrs
What is the 2nd offence penalty range for By carelessness or neglect lets prisoner escape?
8 hrs-Hearing
What is the 2nd offence penalty range for Omits to make necessary entry in record?
8- 24 hrs
What is the 1st offence penalty range for wilfully or carelessly causes loss or damage to TPS property-Generally?
Reprimand- 8 hrs
What is the 2nd offence penalty range for being involved in “at fault” SVC?
8-24 hrs
What is the 3rd offence penalty range for carelessly (unintentionally) damage MWS?
16-24 hrs
What is the 2nd offence penalty range for willfully (intentionally) damage MWS?
16 hrs- hearing