Unit III Exam Flashcards
Doctrine 11
We believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the endless punishment of the wicked.
Matthew 24:36-39
“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”
John Wesley’s View of the Kingdom of God.
John Wesley emphasizes the final goal but not exclusive of experiencing in this present life the life of the final kingdom. That is experience is holiness.
“The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God are but two phrases for the same thing. They mean, not barely a future happy state in heaven, but a state to be enjoyed on earth; the proper disposition for the glory of heaven, rather than the possession of it.”
Wesley saw the future kingdom of God/Heaven joined to a present life of holiness in a realized eschatology.
- New Way of Life – Love of God and man
- Inward Religion – Full Redemption
- Social Religion – Working to change lives
- Judgment – some now/all later
the study of last things
3 Categories of Eschatology
Parousia- presence, arrival, Christ’s glorious 2nd coming – the finality of what was begun at His Incarnation. 2 Peter 1:16; 2Thess. 2:1
Epiphaneia - Appearance/Shine Forth Glorified body to judge in power: save from final destruction those that await Him. Titus 2:13; 1Tim. 6:14 (NASB)
Apocalyspe - Unveiling/revelation in progress (Eph. 1:17)/revelation in total (1 Peter 4:13)
(15x in NT): Rev 1:1
Immortality of the Soul
- Death is not the end to our existence.
- Post-death existence is still a God-given action for all.
- Post-death identity is not eliminated.
- All will be resurrected.
- All will submit to the final judgment of Christ.
- All will have a final destination
Resurrection of the Body
- This identifies the “whole” person as they were on earth.
- Our same bodies will be extremely made over.
- For judgment, the soul and body are reunited.
- Destination determines Design.
- Focus determines Function.
- Environment determines Expectations.
What is hell?
- Full Experience of God’s Absence
- For eternity
- Tickets already punched for: Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet, demons (fallen angels)
- A future location – post judgment
- Evidence of its reality present today
How would you respond to the question “Why would a loving God send anyone to hell?”
Our God given freedom includes the freedom to make choices with eternal consequences.
What is apocalyptic writing?
generally focuses on the expectation that God will intervene in history to vindicate his people, destroy their enemies and replace the present world order with a restored creation
What role did the Kingdom of God play in Jesus’ teaching?
By implication the doctrine looks forward to the complete fulfillment of God’s reign and suggests that the final transformation of the believer will be a part of this process. The victory of God and the establishment of his new creation are certain.
Names for the Place of the Dead
Sheol: is “non-life” or the opposite of life
Hades: the final abode of the dead in Greek mythology, appears in the NT as a provisional place for the ungodly
The Kingdom of God in the OT
The expression ‘the Kingdom of God’ does not occur in the OT, but the notion of God as King is pervasive, and his Kingly control encompasses past, present, and future
In the Valley of Ben Hinnom.
Had become an ever-burning rubbish dump.
Considered to be the place of the wicked after the final judgement; an everlasting fiery punishment, also awaiting the devil and his angels. The fire would never be quenched.
Marked the border between Judah and Benjamin. After captivity marked the Northern border of Judah.
Place of worshiping the gods molech and baal.
Meaning: The Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven
The central theme in the proclamation of Jesus.
Greek: basileia- translated as kingdom
Refers to the act of reigning, to kingship. In announcing the Kingdom, Jesus declares the realisation of Israel’s hope.