Unit II Flashcards
What are the key physiological concepts of excitable cell membranes?
- resting membrane potential
- semi-permeable membrane
- depolarization
- propagation of action potential
- volume conduction through electrolytes
What are the benefits of myelination?
- increases speed of conduction
- saves space
- saves energy
What are the stimulus amplitude values for nerve and muscle? Pulse duration?
nerve: amplitude = -70mV; pulse duration = 1 msec
muscle: amplitude = -90mV; pulse duration = 35 msec
decreased excitability with slow “rate of rise” (ideal < 60 microseconds); generally want to avoid accommodation with rapid “rate of rise”
Law of Dubois Reymond
- stimulus amplitude must be sufficiently high to cause depolarization
- the rate of change of voltage must be sufficiently rapid to avoid accommodation
- duration of stimulus must be long enough to overcome latent period and allow action potential and recovery to occur
Critical Fusion Frequency (i.e. tetany)
Range: 15 to 40 pps
High Frequency Fatigue
> 50 Hz (occurs rapidly, versus physiological fatigue which occurs slowly, with long recovery period)
Propagation failure - occurs at branch points where motor nerve divides to innervate individual mm fibers
*Review slides from lecture
positive ion has lost one or more electrons; cation = cathode (negative pole)
negative ion has gained one or more electrons; anion = anode (positive pole)
To have current flow, must have:
- source of free electrons (+) ions
- material that allows electrons to flow (conductor)
- electromotive force (EMF) that “pushes” electrons
What are the three ways to measure amplitude in AC?
- peak
- peak-to-peak
- root mean square = .707 x peak value
What are the three ways to measure amplitude in AC?
- peak
- peak-to-peak
- root mean square = .707 x peak value
resistance - opposes current flow; capacitance - ability of material to store electrical energy by means of electrostatic field; & inductance - ability to store charge by means of electromagnetic field
AC: impedance = res + cap + ind
What are the considerations for stimulator output?
- wave form
- amplitude
- duration
- duty cycle
- modulation (amplitude, duration, frequency, “rise time”)
What are the two types of clinically used electrical stimulation?
- Pulsed Current (HVPC and TENS)
- Burst Modulated Alternating Current (Russian and IFC)
What are the two types of wave forms?
- DC (aka galvanic): continuous and pulsed
- AC (aka faradic)
What are the four components of stimulator hardware?
- power source (AC or DC)
- oscillator circuit
- output amplifier
- modulating circuit
When using a device that uses DC, where should the electrodes be placed?
the cathode (-) should be placed directly over the motor point because it allows for a greater concentration of electrons
Pfleuger’s Law
How are patient’s often injured using e-stim?
In the electrodes commonly used today, the karaya gum and carbon lattice have a tendency to wear off after a few uses, resulting in more concentration and electrical burns of the patient
Electrode Size and Placement
both relate to current density; larger electrodes disperse charge, while smaller electrodes concentrate charge
placement goals: parallel to longitudinal direction of mm, over the motor point, and close together (increases stim)
How can you decrease impedance?
- mild abrasion
- tissue warming
- hydration
- higher frequency signaling
Skin impedance depends on the _____ ________, NOT the _____ ________
phase duration; pulse frequency
Physiologic Effects of Electrical Current
- 1 mA = threshold for tingling sensation
- 16 mA = can’t release grip on conductor d/t contraction
- 50 mA = pain and possible fainting
- 100 mA to 3 A = ventricular fibrillation
- 6 A = sustained myocardial contraction, temp resp paralysis, burns
Relative Contraindications to NMES
- heart patients
- patients with pacemaker
- carotid sinus/neck stimulation
- use during certain work-related vocations
Precautions for NMES
- pregnancy (TENS generally okay; high amplitude, HVPC, IFC, Ionto, NMES: NO!)
- children: ?
- skin lesions: decreased resistance
- electrode, gel, tape: skin reaction
- across the spine/vertebrae: OK
Chronaxie Test
- obtain threshold point (ie minimally visible contraction = rheobase)
- set intensity to 2x threshold
- time it takes for the tissue to respond to a stimulus 2x the threshold is the chronaxie
Hopefully the pt. will move toward the left on the curve
Qualitative test
comparing quality of mm contraction in response to short vs. long duration stimulus
Responses characterized as: twitch vs. tetanic; brisk vs. sluggish; diminished vs. absent
Responses to NMES
can be hyper-excitable or hypo-excitable