Unit I: Review - Lesson 6 Flashcards
amo -are
amo amare amavi amatus
1st Conjugation Verb
v. to love, like
nato -are
(nato natare natavi natatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to swim
do dare dedi datus
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to give
sto stare steti status
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to stand
lavo lavare lavi lautus
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to wash
oro -are
(oro orare oravi oratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to speak, pray
paro -are
(paro parare paravi paratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to prepare
porto -are
(porto portare portavi portatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to carry
servo -are
(servo servare servavi servatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to guard, keep
voco -are
(voco vocare vocavi vocatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to call
juvo juvare juvi jutus
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to help
narro -are
(narro narrare narravi narratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to tell
aro -are
(aro arare aravi aratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to plow
clamo -are
(clamo clamare clamavi clamatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to shout
opto -are
(opto optare optavi optatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to desire, wish
erro -are
(erro errare erravi erratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to err, wander
laudo -are
(laudo laudare laudavi laudatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to praise
tempto -are
(tempto temptare temptavi temptatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to tempt
pugno -are
(pugno pugnare pugnavi pugnatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to fight
specto -are
(specto spectare spectavi spectatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to look at
navigo -are
(navigo navigare navigavi navigatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to sail
libero -are
(libero liberare liberavi liberatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to set free
saluto -are
(saluto salutare salutavi salutatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to greet
adoro -are
(adoro adorare adoravi adoratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to adore
habito -are
(habito habitare habitavi habitatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to live in, dwell
ambulo -are
(ambulo ambulare ambulavi ambulatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to walk
laboro -are
(laboro laborare laboravi laboratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to work
judico -are
(judico judicare judicavi judicatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to judge, consider
occupo -are
(occupo occupare occupavi occupatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to seize, capture
supero -are
(supero superare superavi superatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to overcome, surpass
v. to love, like
amo -are
amo amare amavi amatus
1st Conjugation Verb
v. to swim
nato -are
(nato natare natavi natatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to give
do dare dedi datus
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to stand
sto stare steti status
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to wash
lavo lavare lavi lautus
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to speak, pray
oro -are
(oro orare oravi oratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to prepare
paro -are
(paro parare paravi paratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to carry
porto -are
(porto portare portavi portatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to guard, keep
servo -are
(servo servare servavi servatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to call
voco -are
(voco vocare vocavi vocatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to help
juvo juvare juvi jutus
1st conjugation irregular verb
v. to tell
narro -are
(narro narrare narravi narratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to plow
aro -are
(aro arare aravi aratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to shout
clamo -are
(clamo clamare clamavi clamatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to desire, wish
opto -are
(opto optare optavi optatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to err, wander
erro -are
(erro errare erravi erratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to praise
laudo -are
(laudo laudare laudavi laudatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to tempt
tempto -are
(tempto temptare temptavi temptatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to fight
pugno -are
(pugno pugnare pugnavi pugnatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to look at
specto -are
(specto spectare spectavi spectatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to sail
navigo -are
(navigo navigare navigavi navigatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to set free
libero -are
(libero liberare liberavi liberatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to greet
saluto -are
(saluto salutare salutavi salutatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to adore
adoro -are
(adoro adorare adoravi adoratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to live in, dwell
habito -are
(habito habitare habitavi habitatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to walk
ambulo -are
(ambulo ambulare ambulavi ambulatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to work
laboro -are
(laboro laborare laboravi laboratus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to judge, consider
judico -are
(judico judicare judicavi judicatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to seize
occupo -are
(occupo occupare occupavi occupatus)
1st conjugation verb
v. to overcome, surpass
supero -are
(supero superare superavi superatus)
1st conjugation verb
In choro recitemus
Let us recite together
Stabat Mater
The mother was standing
In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
Then we will fight in the shade.
Civis Romanus sum.
I am a Roman citizen.
First Conjugation
Present Tense Endings
1st -o -mus
2nd -s -tis
3rd -t -nt
First Conjugation
Imperfect Tense Endings
1st -bam -bamus
2nd -bas -batis
3rd -bat -bant
First Conjugation
Future Tense Endings
1st -bo -bimus
2nd -bis -bitis
3rd -bit -bunt
First Conjugation - Present Tense
Decline the Present Tense for
present stem ama-
1<strong>st</strong> am-o I love ama-mus we love
2nd ama-s you (sing.) love ama-tis you (pl.) love
3rd ama-t he, she, it loves ama-nt they love
First Conjugation - Imperfect Tense
Decline the Imperfect Tense of
present stem ama-
1<strong>st</strong> am-bam ama-bamus
2nd ama-bas ama-batis
3rd ama-bat ama-bant
First Conjugation - Imperfect Tense
Decline the Perfect Tense of
present stem ama-
1<strong>st</strong> am-bo ama-bimus
2nd ama-bis ama-bitis
3rd ama-bit ama-bunt
Translate the 1st Conjugation Present Tense for amo
Person Singular Plural
1st I love we love
2ndyou(sing.) loveyou (pl.) love
3rd he, she, it loves they love
Translate the First Conjugation Imperfect Tense of amo
Person Singular Plural
1st I was loving we were loving
2nd you were (sing.) loving you were (pl.) loving
3rd he, she, it was loving they were loving
Translate the First Conjugation Future Tense of amo
Person Singular Plural
1st I will love we will love
2nd you will (sing.) love you will (pl.) love
3rd he, she, it will love they will love
First Conjugation - Present Tense
Decline the Present Tense for
Irregular Verb
1<strong>st</strong> sum sumus
2nd es estis
3rd est sunt
First Conjugation - Imperfect Tense
Decline the Imperfect Tense of
Irregular verb
1<strong>st</strong> aram aramus
2nd aras aratis
3rd arat arant
First Conjugation - Imperfect Tense
Decline the Perfect Tense of
irregular verb
1<strong>st</strong> ero erimus
2nd eris eritis
3rd erit erint
Translate the 1st Conjugation Present Tense for sum
1st I am we are
2nd you (sing.) are you (pl.) are
3rd he, she, it is they are
Translate the First Conjugation Imperfect Tense of sum
1st I was we were
2nd you were (sing.) you were (pl.)
3rd he, she, it was they were
Translate the First Conjugation Future Tense of sum
1st I will be we will be
2nd you will (sing.) be you will (pl.) be
3rd he, she, it will be they will be