Unit I Law - Oregon Real Estate Law Flashcards
the person who files a declaration under ORS 92.075.
means the instrument described in ORS 92.075 by which the subdivision or partition plat was created.
Lawfully established unit of land” means
(A) A lot or parcel created pursuant to ORS 92.010 to 92.192; or
(B) Another unit of land created:
i) In compliance with all applicable planning, zoning and subdivision or partition ordinances and regulations; or
(ii) By deed or land sales contract, if there were no applicable planning, zoning or subdivision or partition ordinances or regulations.
(iii) “Lawfully established unit of land” does not mean a unit of land created solely to establish a separate tax account.
means a single unit of land that is created by a subdivision of land.
means a single unit of land that is created by a partition of land.
means either an act of partitioning land or an area or tract of land partitioned.
Partition plat
includes a final map and other writing containing all the descriptions, locations, specifications, provisions and information concerning a partition.
Partitioning land”
means dividing land to create not more than three parcels of land within a calendar year, but does not include:
includes a final subdivision plat, replat or partition plat.
Property line
means the division line between two units of land.
Property line adjustment
means a relocation or elimination of all or a portion of the common property line between abutting properties that does not create an additional lot or parcel.
means the act of platting the lots, parcels and easements in a recorded subdivision or partition plat to achieve a reconfiguration of the existing subdivision or partition plat or to increase or decrease the number of lots in the subdivision.
Road” or “street
means a public or private way that is created to provide ingress or egress for persons to one or more lots, parcels, areas or tracts of land, excluding a private way that is created to provide ingress or egress to such land in conjunction with the use of such land for forestry, mining or agricultural purposes.
Sale” or “sell”
includes every disposition or transfer of land or an interest or estate therein.
Subdivide land”
means to divide land to create four or more lots within a calendar year.
means either an act of subdividing land or an area or a tract of land subdivided.
Subdivision plat
includes a final map and other writing containing all the descriptions, locations, specifications, dedications, provisions and information concerning a subdivision.
Utility easement
means an easement noted on a subdivision plat or partition plat for the purpose of installing or maintaining public or private utility infrastructure for the provision of water, power, heat or telecommunications to the public.
No land may be subdivided or partitioned except in accordance with ORS 92.010 to 92.192.
gotta follow oregon laws when subdividing
92.014 Approval of city or county required for specified divisions of land.
(1) A person may not create a street or road for the purpose of subdividing or partitioning an area or tract of land without the approval of the city or county having jurisdiction over the area or tract of land to be subdivided or partitioned.
(2) Notwithstanding ORS 92.175, an instrument dedicating land to public use may not be accepted for recording in this state unless the instrument bears the approval of the city or county authorized by law to accept the dedication
92.016 Sale or negotiation to sell lot or parcel prior to approval of tentative plan.
(1) No person shall sell any lot in any subdivision with respect to which approval is required by any ordinance or regulation adopted under ORS 92.044 and 92.048 until such approval is obtained. No person shall negotiate to sell any lot in a subdivision until a tentative plan has been approved.
(2) A person may negotiate to sell any parcel in a partition with respect to which approval of a tentative plan is required by any ordinance or regulation adopted under ORS 92.044 or 92.046, respectively, prior to the approval of the tentative plan for the partition, but no person may sell any parcel in a partition for which approval of a tentative plan is required by any ordinance or regulation adopted under ORS 92.044 or 92.046, respectively, prior to such approval.
92.017 When lawfully created lot or parcel remains discrete lot or parcel.
A lot or parcel lawfully created shall remain a discrete lot or parcel, unless the lot or parcel lines are vacated or the lot or parcel is further divided, as provided by law.
92.018 Buyer’s remedies for purchase of improperly created unit of land.
(1) If a person buys a unit of land that is not a lawfully established unit of land, the person may bring an individual action against the seller in an appropriate court to recover damages or to obtain equitable relief. The court shall award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party in an action under this section.
(2) If the seller of a unit of land that was not lawfully established is a county that involuntarily acquired the unit of land by means of foreclosure under ORS chapter 312 of delinquent tax liens, the person who purchases the unit of land is not entitled to damages or equitable relief.
92.025 Prohibition of sale of lot or parcel prior to recordation of plat; waiver.
Must have final plat of a subdivision before selling anything.
can have a waiting list or something like that but CANNOT sell
(1) A person may not sell a lot in a subdivision or a parcel in a partition until the plat of the subdivision or partition has been acknowledged and recorded with the recording officer of the county in which the lot or parcel is situated.
(2) A person may not sell a lot in a subdivision or a parcel in a partition by reference to or exhibition or other use of a plat of the subdivision or partition before the plat for the subdivision or partition has been so recorded. In negotiating to sell a lot in a subdivision or a parcel in a partition under ORS 92.016 (1) and (2), a person may use the approved tentative plan for the subdivision or partition.
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the governing body of a city or county may enact an ordinance waiving the requirement that parcels created in excess of 80 acres be shown on a partition plat. Nothing in this subsection shall exempt a local government from minimum area requirements established in acknowledged comprehensive plans and land use regulations.
92.027 Deed reference to creation of unit of land.
A person who conveys or contracts to convey fee title to a lot or parcel, or another unit of land resulting from a lien foreclosure or foreclosure of a recorded contract for the sale of real property, created or established on or after January 1, 2008, must include in the deed or other instrument conveying or contracting to convey fee title:
(1) A reference to the recorded subdivision plat or partition plat for the lot or parcel;
(2) A reference to or exhibit of the final land use decision that approved the subdivision or partition if a subdivision plat or partition plat is not required by law; or
(3) A reference to or exhibit of a final judgment or other document that evidences a lien foreclosure or a foreclosure of a recorded contract for the sale of the real property.
92.040 Application for approval of subdivision or partition; tentative plan; applicability of local government laws.
(1) Before a plat of any subdivision or partition subject to review under ORS 92.044 may be made and recorded, the person proposing the subdivision or partition or authorized agent or representative of the person shall make an application in writing to the county or city having jurisdiction under ORS 92.042 for approval of the proposed subdivision or partition in accordance with procedures established by the applicable ordinance or regulation adopted under ORS 92.044. Each such application shall be accompanied by a tentative plan showing the general design of the proposed subdivision or partition. No plat for any proposed subdivision or partition may be considered for approval by a city or county until the tentative plan for the proposed subdivision or partition has been approved by the city or county. Approval of the tentative plan shall not constitute final acceptance of the plat of the proposed subdivision or partition for recording. However, approval by a city or county of such tentative plan shall be binding upon the city or county for the purposes of the preparation of the subdivision or partition plat, and the city or county may require only such changes in the subdivision or partition plat as are necessary for compliance with the terms of its approval of the tentative plan for the proposed subdivision or partition.
(2) After September 9, 1995, when a local government makes a decision on a land use application for a subdivision inside an urban growth boundary, only those local government laws implemented under an acknowledged comprehensive plan that are in effect at the time of application shall govern subsequent construction on the property unless the applicant elects otherwise.
(3) A local government may establish a time period during which decisions on land use applications under subsection (2) of this section apply. However, in no event shall the time period exceed 10 years, whether or not a time period is established by the local government.
92.042 Governing body having jurisdiction to approve plans, maps or plats.
***Have to check if city or county have jurisdiction
(1) Land within six miles outside of the corporate limits of a city is under the jurisdiction of the city for the purpose of giving approval of plans, maps and plats of subdivisions and partitions under ORS 92.040 and 227.110. However, unless otherwise provided in an urban growth area management agreement jointly adopted by a city and county to establish procedures for regulating land use outside the city limits and within an urban growth boundary acknowledged under ORS 197.251, when the governing body of a county has adopted ordinances or regulations for subdivision and partition control as required by ORS 92.044, land in the county within the six-mile limit shall be under the jurisdiction of the county for those purposes.
(2) Land over six miles from the corporate limits of a city is under the jurisdiction of the county for the purpose of giving approval of plans, maps and plats for subdivisions and partitions under ORS 92.040.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
(1) (a) The governing body of a county or a city shall, by regulation or ordinance, adopt standards and procedures, in addition to those otherwise provided by law, governing, in the area over which the county or the city has jurisdiction under ORS 92.042, the submission and approval of tentative plans and plats of subdivisions, tentative plans and plats of partitions in exclusive farm use zones established under ORS 215.203.
(b) The standards shall include, taking into consideration the location and surrounding area of the proposed subdivisions or partitions, requirements for:
(i) Placement of utilities subject to subsection (7) of this section, for the width and location of streets or for minimum lot sizes and other requirements the governing body considers necessary for lessening congestion in the streets;
(ii) Securing safety from fire, flood, slides, pollution or other dangers;
(iii) Providing adequate light and air including protection and assurance of access to incident solar radiation for potential future use;
(iv) Preventing overcrowding of land;
(v) Facilitating adequate provision of transportation, water supply, sewerage, drainage, education, recreation or other needs; and
(vi) Protection and assurance of access to wind for potential electrical generation or mechanical application.
(c) The ordinances or regulations shall establish the form and contents of tentative plans of partitions and subdivisions submitted for approval.
(d) The procedures established by each ordinance or regulation shall provide for the coordination in the review of the tentative plan of any subdivision or partition with all affected city, county, state and federal agencies and all affected special districts.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
**City can hire outside commity to deal with all this.
(2) (a) The governing body of a city or county may provide for the delegation of any of its lawful functions with respect to subdivisions and partitions to the planning commission of the city or county or to an official of the city or county appointed by the governing body for such purpose.
(b) If an ordinance or regulation adopted under this section includes the delegation to a planning commission or appointed official of the power to take final action approving or disapproving a tentative plan for a subdivision or partition, such ordinance or regulation may also provide for appeal to the governing body from such approval or disapproval.
(c) The governing body may establish, by ordinance or regulation, a fee to be charged for an appeal under ORS chapter 197, 215 or 227, except for an appeal under ORS 197.805 to 197.855.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
(3) The governing body may, by ordinance or regulation, prescribe fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred in the review and investigation of and action upon proposed subdivisions that are submitted for approval pursuant to this section. As used in this subsection, “costs” does not include costs for which fees are prescribed under ORS 92.100 and 205.350.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
(4) The governing body may, by ordinance or regulation, prescribe fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred in the review and investigation of and action upon proposed partitions that are submitted for approval pursuant to this section.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
(5) Ordinances and regulations adopted under this section shall be adopted in accordance with ORS 92.048.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
6) Any ordinance or regulation adopted under this section shall comply with the comprehensive plan for the city or county adopting the ordinance or regulation.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
(7) Unless specifically requested by a public or private utility provider, the governing body of a city or county may not require a utility easement except for a utility easement abutting a street. Utility infrastructure may not be placed within one foot of a survey monument location noted on a subdivision or partition plat. The governing body of a city or county may not place additional restrictions or conditions on a utility easement granted under this chapter.
92.044 Adoption of standards and procedures governing approval of plats and plans; delegation; fees.
(8) For the purposes of this section:
(a) “Incident solar radiation” means solar energy falling upon a given surface area.
(b) “Wind” means the natural movement of air at an annual average speed measured at a height of 10 meters of at least eight miles per hour.
92.046 Adoption of regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees.
(1) The governing body of a county or a city may, as provided in ORS 92.048, when reasonably necessary to accomplish the orderly development of the land within the jurisdiction of such county or city under ORS 92.042 and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the county or city, adopt regulations or ordinances governing approval, by the county or city of proposed partitions. Such regulations or ordinances shall be applicable throughout the area over which the county or city has jurisdiction under ORS 92.042, or over any portion thereof. Such ordinances or regulations may specify the classifications of such partitions which require approval under this section and may establish standards and procedures governing the approval of tentative plans for such partitions. The standards may include all, or less than all, of the same requirements as are provided or authorized for subdivisions under ORS 92.010 to 92.192 and may provide for different standards and procedures for different classifications of such partitions so long as the standards are no more stringent than are imposed by the city or county in connection with subdivisions.
92.046 Adoption of regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees.
(2) Such ordinances or regulations may establish the form and contents of the tentative plans of partitions submitted for approval.
92.046 Adoption of regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees.
(3) (a) The governing body of a city or county may provide for the delegation of any of its lawful functions with respect to partitions to the planning commission of the city or county or to an official of the city or county appointed by the governing body for such purpose.
(b) If an ordinance or regulation adopted under this section includes the delegation to a planning commission or appointed official of the power to take final action approving or disapproving a tentative plan for a partition, such ordinance or regulation may also provide for appeal to the governing body from such approval or disapproval and require initiation of any such appeal within 10 days after the date of the approval or disapproval from which the appeal is taken.
(c) The governing body may establish, by ordinance or regulation, a fee to be charged for an appeal under ORS chapter 197, 215 or 227, except for an appeal under ORS 197.805 to 197.855.
92.046 Adoption of regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees.
(4) The governing body may, by ordinance or regulation, prescribe fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred in the review and investigation of and action upon applications for approval of proposed partitions.
92.046 Adoption of regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees.
(5) No tentative plan of a proposed partition may be approved unless the tentative plan complies with the applicable zoning ordinances and regulations and the ordinances or regulations adopted under this section that are then in effect for the city or county within which the land described in the tentative plan is situated
92.046 Adoption of regulations governing approval of partitioning of land; delegation; fees.
(6) Any ordinance or regulation adopted under this section shall comply with the comprehensive plan for the city or county adopting the ordinance or regulation.
92.048 Procedure for adoption of regulations under ORS 92.044 and 92.046.
(1) The planning commission of the county or the city shall hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance or regulation after publishing notice of the hearing 10 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation published in the area in which land to be subject to such ordinance or regulation is situated or, if there is no such newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation published in the county. The notice shall contain the time, place and purpose of the hearing and a description of the land to be subject to the ordinance or regulation.
92.048 Procedure for adoption of regulations under ORS 92.044 and 92.046.
(2) Prior to the expiration of 60 days after the date of such hearing, the planning commission may transmit its recommendation regarding the proposed ordinance or regulation to the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be. If the planning commission recommendation has not been received by the governing body of the county or the city prior to the expiration of such 60-day period, the governing body may consider the ordinance or regulation without recommendation of the planning commission thereon.
92.048 Procedure for adoption of regulations under ORS 92.044 and 92.046.
(3) Prior to the adoption of such ordinance or regulation, the governing body of the county or the city shall hold a hearing thereon after giving notice of the hearing in the same manner provided in subsection (1) of this section.
92.048 Procedure for adoption of regulations under ORS 92.044 and 92.046.
**must be recorded with the county before begining
(4) A copy of any regulation or ordinance adopted by the governing body of a county or a city under this section, together with a map of the area subject to the regulation or ordinance and a brief statement of the different classifications, if any, of land partitioning under the ordinance or regulation, shall be filed with the recording officer of the county in which the land subject to the ordinance or regulation is situated. Such ordinance or regulation shall not be effective until so filed. If the ordinance or regulation is applicable throughout all of the area over which the county or city has jurisdiction under ORS 92.042, only an outline map of such area shall be filed with the recording officer of the county.
92.048 Procedure for adoption of regulations under ORS 92.044 and 92.046.
(5) The ordinance or regulation may be amended from time to time by following the procedure prescribed in this section.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(1) A person shall not submit a plat of a subdivision or partition for record, until all the requirements of ORS 209.250 and the plat requirements of the subdivision or partition have been met.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(2) The survey for the plat of the subdivision or partition shall be done in a manner to achieve sufficient accuracy that measurements may be taken between monuments within one-tenth of a foot or one ten-thousandth of the distance shown on the subdivision or partition plat, whichever is greater.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(3) The survey and plat of the subdivision or partition shall be made by a registered professional land surveyor.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
4) The plat of the subdivision or partition shall be of sufficient scale and lettering size, approved by the county surveyor, so that:
(a) The survey and mathematical information and all other details are clearly and legibly shown on the plat.
(b) Each lot or parcel is numbered consecutively.
(c) The lengths and courses of the boundaries of each lot or parcel are shown on the plat.
(d) Each street is named and shown on the plat.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(5) The locations and descriptions of all monuments found or set must be carefully recorded upon all plats and the proper courses and distances of all boundary lines, conforming to the surveyor’s certificate, must be shown.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(6) The location, dimensions and purpose of all recorded and proposed public and private easements must be shown on the subdivision or partition plat along with the county clerk’s recording reference if the easement has been recorded by the county clerk. Private easements become effective upon the recording of the plat.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(7) The area of each lot or parcel must be shown on the subdivision or partition plat.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(8) In addition to showing bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds and distances in feet and hundredths of a foot, the following curve information must be shown on the subdivision or partition plat either on the face of the map or in a separate table:
(a) Arc length;
(b) Chord length;
(c) Chord bearing;
(d) Radius; and
(e) Central angle.
92.050 Requirements of survey and plat of subdivision and partition
(9) A city or county may not require that a final subdivision, condominium or partition plat show graphically or by notation on the final plat any information or requirement that is or may be subject to administrative change or variance by a city or county or any other information unless authorized by the county surveyor.
92.055 Requirements for unsurveyed and unmonumented parcels on plats.
(1) A parcel larger than 10 acres that is created outside an urban growth boundary is not required to be surveyed and monumented and shall comply with the following:
(a) The approximate acreage of each unsurveyed parcel shall be shown; and
(b) Any unsurveyed parcel shall have the words “unsurveyed” placed in bold letters adjacent to the parcel number.
92.055 Requirements for unsurveyed and unmonumented parcels on plats.
2) Unsurveyed parcels need not comply with ORS 92.050 (5), (7) and (8).
Note: 92.055 was added to and made a part of 92.010 to 92.192 by legislative action but was not added to any smaller series therein. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(1) The initial point, also known as the point of beginning, of a plat must be on the exterior boundary of the plat and must be marked with a monument that is either galvanized iron pipe or an iron or steel rod. If galvanized iron pipe is used, the pipe may not be less than three-quarter inch inside diameter and 30 inches long. If an iron or steel rod is used, the rod may not be less than five-eighths of an inch in least dimension and 30 inches long. The location of the monument shall be with reference by survey to a section corner, one-quarter corner, one-sixteenth corner, Donation Land Claim corner or to a monumented lot corner or boundary corner of a recorded subdivision, partition or condominium plat. When setting a required monument is impracticable under the circumstances, the county surveyor may authorize the setting of another type of monument.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(2) In subdivision plats, the intersections, the initial point, also known as the point of beginning, the point of ending, points of curves and points of tangents, or the point of intersection of the curve if the point is within the pavement area of the road, of the centerlines of all streets and roads and all points on the exterior boundary where the boundary line changes direction, must be marked with monuments either of galvanized iron pipe or iron or steel rods. If galvanized iron pipe is used, the pipe may not be less than three-quarter inch inside diameter and 30 inches long. If iron or steel rods are used, the rod may not be less than five-eighths of an inch in least dimension and 30 inches long. When setting a required monument is impracticable under the circumstances:
(a) The county surveyor may authorize the setting of another type of monument; or
(b) The county surveyor may waive the setting of the monument.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(3) All lot and parcel corners except lot corners of cemetery lots must be marked with monuments of either galvanized iron pipe not less than one-half inch inside diameter or iron or steel rods not less than five-eighths inch in least dimension and not less than 24 inches long. When setting a required monument is impracticable under the circumstances:
(a) The surveyor may set another type of monument; or
(b) The county surveyor may waive the setting of the monument.
392.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(4) A surveyor shall set monuments with sufficient accuracy that measurements may be taken between monuments within one-tenth of a foot or within one ten-thousandth of the distance shown on the subdivision or partition plat, whichever is greater.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(5) A surveyor shall set monuments on the exterior boundary of a subdivision, unless the county surveyor waives the setting of a particular monument, where changes in the direction of the boundary occur and shall reference the monuments on the plat of the subdivision before the plat of the subdivision is offered for recording. However, the surveyor need not set the remaining monuments for the subdivision prior to the recording of the plat of the subdivision if:
(a) The registered professional land surveyor performing the survey work certifies that the remaining monuments will be set, unless the county surveyor waives the setting of a particular monument, on or before a specified date as provided in ORS 92.070 (2); and
(b) The person subdividing the land furnishes to the county or city by which the subdivision was approved a bond, cash deposit, irrevocable letter of credit issued by an insured institution as defined in ORS 706.008 or other security as required by the county or city guaranteeing the payment of the cost of setting the remaining monuments for the subdivision as provided in ORS 92.065.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(6) A surveyor shall set all monuments on the exterior boundary and all parcel corner monuments of partitions, unless the county surveyor waives the setting of a particular monument, before the partition plat is offered for recording. Unless the governing body provides otherwise, any parcels created outside an urban growth boundary that are greater than 10 acres need not be surveyed or monumented.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(7) Except as provided in subsections (8) and (9) of this section, a property line adjustment must be surveyed and monumented in accordance with subsection (3) of this section and a survey, complying with ORS 209.250, must be filed with the county surveyor.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(8) Unless the governing body of a city or county has otherwise provided by ordinance, a survey or monument is not required for a property line adjustment when the abutting properties are each greater than 10 acres. Nothing in this subsection exempts a local government from minimum area requirements established in acknowledged comprehensive plans and land use regulations.
92.060 Marking subdivision, partition or condominium plats with monuments; types of monuments; property line adjustment.
(9) The requirements of subsection (7) of this section do not apply to property transferred through a property line adjustment as described in ORS 92.010 (9)(e).
92.065 Monumenting certain subdivision corners after recording plat; bond, cash deposit or other security.
(1) Except for exterior monuments described in ORS 92.060 (5), if the remaining corners of a subdivision are to be monumented on or before a specified date after the recording of the plat of the subdivision, the person subdividing the land described in the subdivision plat shall furnish to the county surveyor, prior to approval of the subdivision plat by the county surveyor, a bond, cash deposit, irrevocable letter of credit issued by an insured institution as defined in ORS 706.008 or other security, as required at the option of the city or county, in an amount equal to 120 percent of the estimated cost of performing the work for the remaining monumentation.
92.065 Monumenting certain subdivision corners after recording plat; bond, cash deposit or other security.
(2) The county surveyor may require that the setting of the remaining corners of the subdivision be delayed, according to the provisions of this section, if the installation of street and utility improvements has not been completed, or if other conditions or circumstances justify the delay.
92.065 Monumenting certain subdivision corners after recording plat; bond, cash deposit or other security.
(3) The person subdividing the lands described in subsection (1) of this section shall pay the surveyor for performing the remaining monumentation work and notify the county surveyor of the payment. The county surveyor, within three months after the notice, shall release the bond, irrevocable letter of credit or other required security, or return the cash deposit upon a finding that the payment has been made. Upon written request from the person subdividing the land, the governing body may pay the surveyor from moneys within a cash deposit held by it for that purpose and return the excess of the cash deposit, if any, to the person who made the deposit. If the subdivider has not paid the surveyor within 30 days of final approval of the remaining monumentation, the city or county may pay the surveyor from moneys held in a cash deposit, if any, or require payment to be made from other security.
92.065 Monumenting certain subdivision corners after recording plat; bond, cash deposit or other security.
(4) In the event of the death, disability or retirement from practice of the surveyor charged with the responsibility for setting remaining monuments for a subdivision or upon the failure or refusal of the surveyor to set the monuments, the county surveyor shall cause the monumentation to be completed and referenced for recording as provided in ORS 92.070. If another surveyor completes the remaining monumentation, the surveyor shall submit an affidavit to the county surveyor complying with ORS 92.070 (3)(b). The county surveyor shall note on the original, and on any exact copies filed in accordance with ORS 92.120 (3) the surveyor’s name and business address. Payment of the fees for completing said monumentation shall be made by the subdivider within 30 days of the completion of such work. In the event that the subdivider fails to pay such fees within 30 days, the bond, cash deposit, irrevocable letter of credit or other security may be used to pay such fees; and when such cash or other securities are inadequate to cover the cost incurred by the county surveyor, the balance due will constitute a lien on any lots in the subdivision that are still in the ownership of the subdivider when recorded pursuant to ORS 93.600 to 93.800.
92.070 Surveyor’s certificates; procedure for recording monumented corners on plat previously recorded; reestablishing certain monuments.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a subdivision or partition plat designating the location of land in a county in the State of Oregon, offered for record, must include on the face of the plat a surveyor’s certificate, together with the seal and signature of the surveyor having surveyed the land represented on the plat, to the effect that the surveyor has correctly surveyed and marked with proper monuments the lands as represented and has placed a proper monument as provided in ORS 92.060 indicating the initial point of the plat and its location in accordance with ORS 92.060 (1) and accurately describing by metes or bounds, or other description as approved by the county surveyor, the tract of land upon which the lots and blocks or parcels are laid out.
92.070 Surveyor’s certificates; procedure for recording monumented corners on plat previously recorded; reestablishing certain monuments.
(2) If the person subdividing any land has complied with ORS 92.065 (1), the surveyor may prepare the plat of the subdivision for recording with only the exterior monuments referenced on the subdivision plat as submitted for recording. The subdivision plat shall include a certification of the surveyor that the remaining corners for the subdivision will be monumented on or before a specified date in accordance with ORS 92.060, noting those monuments to be set on or before said specified date on the subdivision plat as approved by the city or county.
92.070 Surveyor’s certificates; procedure for recording monumented corners on plat previously recorded; reestablishing certain monuments.
(3) After the remaining corners for a subdivision have been monumented as provided in the certificate submitted under subsection (2) of this section, the surveyor performing the work shall:
(a) Within five days after completion of the work, notify the person subdividing the land involved and the county surveyor by whom the subdivision was approved; and
(b) Upon approval of the work under ORS 92.100 by the county surveyor, submit an affidavit for recording stating that the subdivision plat has been correctly surveyed and marked with proper monuments at the remaining corners of the subdivisions as noted on the original subdivision plat. Any monument that cannot be set shall be separately noted and a reference monument shall be set. The affidavit shall be approved by the county surveyor before recording. The surveyor who prepared the affidavit shall cause the affidavit to be recorded in the office of the county recorder where the subdivision plat is recorded. The county clerk shall promptly provide a recorded copy of the affidavit to the county surveyor. The county surveyor shall note the monuments set and the recorder’s information on the county surveyor’s copy of the subdivision plat and any exact copies filed in accordance with ORS 92.120 (3). The original plat may not be corrected or changed after it is recorded with the county clerk.
92.070 Surveyor’s certificates; procedure for recording monumented corners on plat previously recorded; reestablishing certain monuments.
(4) The county surveyor approving the work pursuant to subsection (3) of this section shall reference the approval upon the subdivision plat and tracings previously recorded. A city surveyor approving the work under ORS 92.100 (1) shall reference that surveyor’s approval on the affidavit required under this section prior to approval by the county surveyor.
92.070 Surveyor’s certificates; procedure for recording monumented corners on plat previously recorded; reestablishing certain monuments.
(5) Notwithstanding ORS 209.250, the surveyor who prepared the subdivision or partition plat may reestablish plat monuments within two years of plat recordation without filing a map of the survey as required under ORS 209.250. The surveyor reestablishing any plat monuments shall prepare an affidavit stating that the reestablished corners of the subdivision or partition plat have been correctly surveyed and marked with proper monuments as required under ORS 92.060. The affidavit shall be approved by the county surveyor prior to recordation of the affidavit with the county clerk. The surveyor who prepared the affidavit shall file the affidavit with the county clerk for the county where the subdivision or partition plat is recorded. The county clerk shall promptly provide a certified copy of the recorded affidavit to the surveyor. The county surveyor shall indicate the reestablished monuments on the county surveyor’s copy of the plat of the subdivision or partition and any copies of the plat filed under ORS 92.120 (3). The original plat may not be corrected or changed after it is recorded with the county clerk. The county shall charge a fee for recording the affidavit in the county clerk’s office and the county surveyor’s office. The fee shall be established by the governing body of the county and shall be paid to the county surveyor.
92.075 Declaration required to subdivide or partition property; contents.
(1) In order to subdivide or partition any property, the declarant shall include on the face of the subdivision or partition plat, if a partition plat is required, a declaration, taken before a notary public or other person authorized by law to administer oaths, stating that the declarant has caused the subdivision or partition plat to be prepared and the property subdivided or partitioned in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Any dedication of land to public purposes or any public or private easements created, or any other restriction made, shall be stated in the declaration.
92.075 Declaration required to subdivide or partition property; contents.
(2) If the declarant is not the fee owner of the property, the fee owner and the vendor under any instrument of sale shall also execute the declaration for the purpose of consenting to the property being subdivided or partitioned.
92.075 Declaration required to subdivide or partition property; contents.
(3) If the subdivision or partition plat contains any dedication or donation of land to public purposes, the holder of any mortgage or trust deed shall also execute the declaration for the purpose of consenting to the property being submitted to the provisions of this chapter.
92.075 Declaration required to subdivide or partition property; contents.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) to (3) of this section, the fee owner, vendor or the mortgage or trust deed holder may record an affidavit consenting to the declaration of property being subdivided or partitioned and to any dedication or donation of property to public purposes. The affidavit must indicate the recorded document by which the interest in the property was acquired and all information required by ORS 93.410 to 93.530 and must be recorded in deed records at the same time as the subdivision or partition plat. The county clerk shall note the recording information of the affidavit on the original and any exact copies of the subdivision or partition plat.
92.080 Preparation of plat.
Notwithstanding ORS 205.232 and 205.234, all plats subdividing or partitioning land in a county in this state, dedications of streets or roads or public parks and squares and other writings made a part of the subdivision or partition plats offered for record in a county in this state must be made on material that is 18 inches by 24 inches in size with an additional three-inch binding edge on the left side when required by the county clerk or the county surveyor, that is suitable for binding and copying purposes, and that has the characteristics of strength and permanency required by the county clerk and county surveyor. All signatures on the original subdivision or partition plat must be in archival quality black ink. The subdivision or partition plat must be of a scale required by the county surveyor. The lettering of the approvals, the declaration, the surveyor’s certificate and all other information must be of a size or type to be clearly legible, but the information may not come nearer an edge of the sheet than one inch. The subdivision or partition plat may be placed on as many sheets as necessary, but a face sheet and an index page must be included for subdivision or partition plats placed upon three or more sheets.
92.090 Approval of subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision or partition plan or plat.
(1) Subdivision plat names shall be subject to the approval of the county surveyor or, in the case where there is no county surveyor, the county assessor. No tentative subdivision plan or subdivision plat of a subdivision shall be approved which bears a name similar to or pronounced the same as the name of any other subdivision in the same county, unless the land platted is contiguous to and platted by the same party that platted the subdivision bearing that name or unless the party files and records the consent of the party that platted the contiguous subdivision bearing that name. All subdivision plats must continue the lot numbers and, if used, the block numbers of the subdivision plat of the same name last filed. On or after January 1, 1992, any subdivision submitted for final approval shall not use block numbers or letters unless such subdivision is a continued phase of a previously recorded subdivision, bearing the same name, that has previously used block numbers or letters.
92.090 Approval of subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision or partition plan or plat.
(2) No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a proposed partition shall be approved unless:
(a) The streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivisions and partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction and in all other respects unless the city or county determines it is in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern.
(b) Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan and all reservations or restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon.
(c) The tentative plan complies with the applicable zoning ordinances and regulations and the ordinances or regulations adopted under ORS 92.044 that are then in effect for the city or county within which the land described in the plan is situated.
92.090 Approval of subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision or partition plan or plat.
(3) No plat of a proposed subdivision or partition shall be approved unless:
(a) Streets and roads for public use are dedicated without any reservation or restriction other than reversionary rights upon vacation of any such street or road and easements for public or private utilities.
(b) Streets and roads held for private use and indicated on the tentative plan of such subdivision or partition have been approved by the city or county.
(c) The subdivision or partition plat complies with any applicable zoning ordinances and regulations and any ordinance or regulation adopted under ORS 92.044 that are then in effect for the city or county within which the land described in the subdivision or partition plat is situated.
(d) The subdivision or partition plat is in substantial conformity with the provisions of the tentative plan for the subdivision or partition, as approved.
(e) The subdivision or partition plat contains a donation to the public of all common improvements, including but not limited to streets, roads, parks, sewage disposal and water supply systems, the donation of which was made a condition of the approval of the tentative plan for the subdivision or partition.
(f) Explanations of all common improvements required as conditions of approval of the tentative plan of the subdivision or partition have been recorded and referenced on the subdivision or partition plat.
92.090 Approval of subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision or partition plan or plat.
(4) Subject to any standards and procedures adopted pursuant to ORS 92.044, no plat of a subdivision shall be approved by a city or county unless the city or county has received and accepted:
(a) A certification by a city-owned domestic water supply system or by the owner of a privately owned domestic water supply system, subject to regulation by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, that water will be available to the lot line of each and every lot depicted in the proposed subdivision plat;
(b) A bond, irrevocable letter of credit, contract or other assurance by the subdivider to the city or county that a domestic water supply system will be installed by or on behalf of the subdivider to the lot line of each and every lot depicted in the proposed subdivision plat; and the amount of any such bond, irrevocable letter of credit, contract or other assurance by the subdivider shall be determined by a registered professional engineer, subject to any change in such amount as determined necessary by the city or county; or
(c) In lieu of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection, a statement that no domestic water supply facility will be provided to the purchaser of any lot depicted in the proposed subdivision plat, even though a domestic water supply source may exist. A copy of any such statement, signed by the subdivider and indorsed by the city or county, shall be filed by the subdivider with the Real Estate Commissioner and shall be included by the commissioner in any public report made for the subdivision under ORS 92.385. If the making of a public report has been waived or the subdivision is otherwise exempt under the Oregon Subdivision Control Law, the subdivider shall deliver a copy of the statement to each prospective purchaser of a lot in the subdivision at or prior to the signing by the purchaser of the first written agreement for the sale of the lot. The subdivider shall take a signed receipt from the purchaser upon delivery of such a statement, shall immediately send a copy of the receipt to the commissioner and shall keep any such receipt on file in this state, subject to inspection by the commissioner, for a period of three years after the date the receipt is taken.
92.090 Approval of subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision or partition plan or plat.
(5) Subject to any standards and procedures adopted pursuant to ORS 92.044, no plat of a subdivision shall be approved by a city or county unless the city or county has received and accepted:
(a) A certification by a city-owned sewage disposal system or by the owner of a privately owned sewage disposal system that is subject to regulation by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon that a sewage disposal system will be available to the lot line of each and every lot depicted in the proposed subdivision plat;
(b) A bond, irrevocable letter of credit, contract or other assurance by the subdivider to the city or county that a sewage disposal system will be installed by or on behalf of the subdivider to the lot line of each and every lot depicted on the proposed subdivision plat; and the amount of such bond, irrevocable letter of credit, contract or other assurance shall be determined by a registered professional engineer, subject to any change in such amount as the city or county considers necessary; or
(c) In lieu of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection, a statement that no sewage disposal facility will be provided to the purchaser of any lot depicted in the proposed subdivision plat, where the Department of Environmental Quality has approved the proposed method or an alternative method of sewage disposal for the subdivision in its evaluation report described in ORS 454.755 (1)(b). A copy of any such statement, signed by the subdivider and indorsed by the city or county shall be filed by the subdivider with the Real Estate Commissioner and shall be included by the commissioner in the public report made for the subdivision under ORS 92.385. If the making of a public report has been waived or the subdivision is otherwise exempt under the Oregon Subdivision Control Law, the subdivider shall deliver a copy of the statement to each prospective purchaser of a lot in the subdivision at or prior to the signing by the purchaser of the first written agreement for the sale of the lot. The subdivider shall take a signed receipt from the purchaser upon delivery of such a statement, shall immediately send a copy of the receipt to the commissioner and shall keep any such receipt on file in this state, subject to inspection by the commissioner, for a period of three years after the date the receipt is taken.
92.090 Approval of subdivision plat names; requisites for approval of tentative subdivision or partition plan or plat.
6) Subject to any standards and procedures adopted pursuant to ORS 92.044, no plat of a subdivision or partition located within the boundaries of an irrigation district, drainage district, water control district, water improvement district or district improvement company shall be approved by a city or county unless the city or county has received and accepted a certification from the district or company that the subdivision or partition is either entirely excluded from the district or company or is included within the district or company for purposes of receiving services and subjecting the subdivision or partition to the fees and other charges of the district or company.
92.095 Payment of taxes, interest or penalties before subdivision or partition plat recorded.
(1) A subdivision or partition plat may not be recorded unless all ad valorem taxes have been paid, including additional taxes, interest and penalties imposed on land disqualified for any special assessment and all special assessments, fees or other charges required by law to be placed upon the tax roll that have become a lien upon the land or that will become a lien during the tax year.
92.095 Payment of taxes, interest or penalties before subdivision or partition plat recorded.
Property tax season starts July 1TEST
(2) After July 1, and before the certification under ORS 311.105 of any year, the subdivider or partitioner shall:
(a) If the exact amount of taxes, penalties, special assessments, fees and charges can be computed by the assessor, pay the amount to the tax collector. The assessor is authorized to levy and the tax collector is authorized to collect the amount.
(b) If the assessor is unable to compute the amount at the time, either:
(i) Pay the amount estimated by the assessor to be needed to pay the taxes, penalties, special assessments, fees and other charges to become due; or
(ii) Deposit with the tax collector a bond or irrevocable letter of credit with a good and sufficient undertaking in an amount the assessor considers adequate to ensure payment of the taxes to become due. The bond or irrevocable letter of credit amount may not exceed twice the amount of the previous year’s taxes, special assessments, fees and other charges upon the land.
92.095 Payment of taxes, interest or penalties before subdivision or partition plat recorded.
(3) Taxes paid or for which security is given under subsection (2)(a) or (b) of this section are entitled to the discount provided by ORS 311.505.
92.095 Payment of taxes, interest or penalties before subdivision or partition plat recorded.
(4) ORS 311.370 applies to all taxes levied and collected under subsection (2) of this section, except that any deficiency constitutes a personal debt against the person subdividing or partitioning the land and not a lien against the land and must be collected as provided by law for the collection of personal property taxes.
92.095 Payment of taxes, interest or penalties before subdivision or partition plat recorded.
(5) If a subdivision or partition plat is recorded, any additional taxes, interest or penalties imposed upon land disqualified for any special assessment become a lien upon the land on the day before the plat was recorded
92.097 Employment of registered engineer by private developer; government standards and fees.
(1) A city, county or special district may not prohibit the employment by a developer of a registered engineer to design or supervise the installation of the improvements of streets, water and sewer lines or other public improvements that are to be installed in conjunction with the development of land using private funds.
92.097 Employment of registered engineer by private developer; government standards and fees.
(2) When design or supervision of installation of improvements is performed by a registered engineer under subsection (1) of this section, the city, county or special district may elect to establish standards for such improvements, review and approve plans and specifications and inspect the installation of improvements. The city, county or special district may collect a fee for inspection and any other services provided in an amount not to exceed the actual cost of performing the inspection or other services provided.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(1) (a) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, before a subdivision or partition plat that covers land within the corporate limits of a city may be recorded, the county surveyor must approve the plat.
(b) Notwithstanding ORS 92.170, the governing body of the city may, by resolution or order, designate the city surveyor to serve in lieu of the county surveyor or, with concurrence of the county surveyor, a contract surveyor to act as city surveyor.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, if the land is outside the corporate limits of any city, the subdivision or partition plat must be approved by the county surveyor before it is recorded.
(d) All subdivision plats must also be approved by the county assessor and the governing body of the county in which the property is located before recording.
(e) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of this subsection, a county may provide by ordinance for the approval of subdivision plats by:
(A) The county assessor; and
(B)(i) The chairperson of the governing body of the county;
(ii) The vice chairperson of the governing body of the county; or
(iii) A person designated in lieu of the chairperson or vice chairperson.
(f) (a) A partition plat is subject only to the approval of the city or county surveyor unless:
(i) The partition plat includes a dedication of land for public road purposes; or
(ii) Provided otherwise by ordinance of the governing body.
(b) The city or county surveyor shall review the partition plat only for compliance with the survey-related provisions of ORS 92.010 to 92.192 and 209.250.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(2) Before approving the subdivision plat as required by this section, the county surveyor shall check the subdivision site and the subdivision plat and shall take measurements and make computations and other determinations necessary to determine that the subdivision plat complies with the survey-related provisions of ORS 92.010 to 92.192 and 209.250 and with survey-related requirements established pursuant to an ordinance or resolution passed by the governing body of the controlling city or county.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(3) Before approving the partition plat as required by this section, the county surveyor shall check the partition plat and make computations and other determinations that the partition plat complies with the survey-related provisions of ORS 92.010 to 92.192 and 209.250 and with the survey-related requirements established pursuant to an ordinance or resolution by the governing body of the controlling city or county.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(4) Before a subdivision or partition plat prepared by the county surveyor in a private capacity may be recorded, the plat must be approved in accordance with subsection (2) or (3) of this section, whichever is applicable, by the surveyor of a county other than the county in which the land is located and who has been designated by the county surveyor.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(5) For performing the service described:
(a) In subsection (2) of this section, the county surveyor shall collect from the subdivider or declarant a fee of $100 plus $5 for each lot contained in the subdivision. The governing body of a city or county may establish a higher fee by resolution or order.
(b) In subsection (3) of this section, the county surveyor shall collect from the partitioner or declarant a fee to be established by the governing body.
(c) In subsection (4) of this section, the designated county surveyor shall collect the applicable subdivision or partition plat check fee, and any travel expenses incurred, as established by the designated county surveyor’s board of commissioners. The subdivision or partition plat check fee and other expenses must be paid by the subdivider, partitioner or declarant prior to approval of the subdivision or partition plat by the designated county surveyor.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(6) Nothing in this section prohibits a city, county or special district from requiring engineering review and approval of a subdivision plat to ensure compliance with state and local subdivision requirements that relate to matters other than survey adequacy.
92.100 Approval of plat by city or county surveyor; procedures; approval by county assessor and county governing body; fees.
(7) Granting approval or withholding approval of a final subdivision or partition plat under this section by the county surveyor, the county assessor or the governing body of a city or county, or a designee of the governing body, is not a land use decision or a limited land use decision, as defined in ORS 197.015.