Unit for 110 test Flashcards
When assessing how to write the correct form of hypoxemia.
1. 80 - 100 is normal and is at the end of the blood gas and would state No hypoxemia.
- 60 to 79 is an mild case of hypoxemia and is written at the end of the blood gas as mild hypoxemia.
- 40 to 59 is moderate case of hypoxemia, and is written at the end of the blood gas as: with moderate hypoxemia.
- Anything < 40 is severe hypoxemia, and is written at the end of the blood gas as: with severe hypoxemia.
PH decrease
H2CO3 decrease
Partialy Compensated
PH Range around 6.90-7
Left Shift of the Oxygen Dissociation Curve
-increased PH
-Decreased Temperature
-Decreased PaCO2
-Decreased 2,3 DPG
A left shift of the curve means hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen has increased… thus….
•The hemoglobin loads oxygen in the lungs readily
Right Shift of the Oxygen Dissociation Curve
-Decreased PH
-increased Temperature
-increased PaCO2
-increased 2,3 DPG
A right shift of the curve means hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen has decreased…. thus…
• The hemoglobin unloads oxygen at the tissue level readily
COPD Blood Gas Reading
Increased PaCo2
Increased HCO3 past 30mmHg
Normal ranges for ABGs
• Normal Ranges for blood gas values
- PH 7.35 to 7.45
-PaC02 35 to 45
• Pa02 80 to 100
• НС03 22-28
There are (3) mechanisms that maintain the narrow pH range:
1) the buffer systems of the blood and tissues (PH)
2) the respiratory system’s ability to regulate the elimination of CO2 (PACO2) Fastest
3) the renal system’s ability to regulate the excretion of hydrogen and the reabsorption bicarbonate (HCO3) Slowest
Clinical Significance of the Flat portion of the curve
—the Pa02 can fall from 100 to 60 mmHg and the hemoglobin will still be 90% saturated with oxygen…. thus…
—the upper curve plateau illustrates that hemoglobin has an excellent safety zone for the loading of oxygen in the lungs
—the flat portion also means that increasing the Pa02 beyond 100 mmHg adds very little additional oxygen to the blood
•As the PaCO2 level increases, the oxyhemoglobin saturation decreases, shifting the curve to the right
•As the PaCO2 level decreases, the curve is shifted to the left
•The effect of PaCO2 and pH on the oxyhemoglobin curve is known as the
P 50
-A common point of reference on the oxygen dissociation curve is the P50.
-The P50 represents the partial pressure at which the hemoglobin is 50% saturated with oxygen, typically 26.6 mm Hg in adults.
- The P50 is a conventional measure of hemoglobin affinity for oxygen.
Shifts in P 50
-In the presence of disease or other conditions that change the hemoglobin’s oxygen affinity and, consequently, shift the curve to the right or left, the P50 changes accordingly.
-An increased P50 indicates a rightward shift of the standard curve, which means that a larger partial pressure is necessary to maintain a 50% oxygen saturation, indicating a decreased affinity.
-Conversely, a lower P50 indicates a leftward shift and a higher affinity.