unit final Flashcards
Chapter 1
The times of change.
All words
It was how middle ages society was structured. It consisted of the Top of the pyramid- King Second from top- Nobles, Bishops Second from bottom- Knights Bottom- Peasants.
A freemen was usually a person who was not a slave or under the king’s service. A freemen was a person who paid for their land and worked on them.
Middle ages
Lasted from 5th to the late 15th century.
A person who was bound to feudalism
the structure in which a group of people organize themselves.
It is a payment usually of a portion of their crops or their earnings.
What was the hierarchy of the middle ages?
The hierarchy of the middle ages was the feudal system.
How did society in the middle ages affect what people were able to do?
Peasants or serfs were bound to the feudal system which limited them of what they can do. The Serfs were under the control of the Lord of the manor. There were even Sumptuary laws that controlled how people spent their money.
What was the chain of events that took place at the end of the middle ages?
The Failure of the holy war, the rediscovery of Aristotle, the black death, power to the people, the fall of Constantinople.
What was the role of men in the middle ages?
Males dominated feudal society they made most of the decisions and women were treated more like property.
What was the role of women in the middle ages?
They were in charge of taking care of kids or household work and they were usually not educated well.
Who or what dictated what people could do based on the society of the Middle Ages
Their rank and the people above them. The church since everybody feared God everyone followed what the church did.
What is the hierarchy of the Middle Ages church and what was each group responsible for?
Pope- his duty was to decide the matters of spiritual importance and the official doctrines of the Church. Cardinals - In charge of the churches in the big cities. Archbishops - An archbishop was a bishop who oversaw several dioceses besides his own. Bishops - Ran a large church in a large city. - Parish priests - They helped with baptism, marriage, and education.
What events had an impact on how the people changed their views on the church?
The black death - People started believing that God would not do this and started to have second thoughts about the church. AKA people were led to believe that only the bad ones would die but then the good people started dying also.
Chapter 2
The expansion of ideas.
The following
They are an independent city-state that is the center of politics and economics.
The area around a city where crops are grown.
Wool carders revolted because they wanted to form their own guild but were denied because it would drive the cost of clothes.
The act of charging interest with a loan and it was viewed negatively because it was considered a sin by many people.
Power is held by the people and their representatives.
What was the Renaissance?
A rebirth of thinking or a change of perspectives.
What was the worldview of Europeans at the end of the Middle Ages?
The worldview at the end of the Middle Ages was one of strict following of religion. The structure of society was ordained by God rulers were chosen by God. The good life was earned in this life and had in the afterlife.
What did the people in Europe want from the East and why was there a demand for these goods?
The people in Europe wanted many things from the east that included jewels, rugs, fabrics(silk), muslin, taffeta, and satin. But out of all of these things, the most sought out one was spices because they improved the European food in terms of taste.
Using the map on page 44 why was Constantinople such an important city for trade routes?
Constantinople was the easiest way to get from west to the east and was also close to a large body of water which made transporting goods even easier.
How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade and competition among European countries?
There were a lot of mountains in between European countries from looking at the map on page 45. Since there were a lot of mountains it was harder to trade in different cities so competition was always constant and very competitive.
What factors lead to the emergence of powerful city-states (i.e., Florence, Venice, Genoa)?
talian city-states were very powerful because of their location(Geography) Italy was the closest to North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean sea where lots of spices and other goods were available for trade. Climate - The climate of Italy was considerably warmer than up north(Alps) which meant trade and growing crops were constant because it was not interrupted by bad weather. Leadership - Italy was not a Monarch(not being led by a king or queen) instead it was made up of many city-states and they had their own government and military.
What is usury? Why was the church initially against usury?
Usury was the act of charging interest when giving out a loan the church viewed this negatively because they did not earn the money they just “used” the person.
How did the Renaissance spark the growth and exchange of ideas and knowledge across Europe (i.e., astronomy, mathematics, science, politics, religion, arts)?
The discovery of greek books helped inspire people to make new types of art and to also be inspired so people started to look to the books for inspiration and they also started to copy their architecture etc.
Chapter 3
The humanist approach.
The following terms.
People who did not care about religion as much.
Humanism is like individualism. They believed that anyone can achieve anything through the power of learning, having an open and curious mind, being skilled in more than one area, and the power of reason.
civic humanist
Person who believed that a responsible citizen was someone who educated themselves and helped with the betterment of their society.
People who paid artists to produce works of art basically they funded the artist.
The common languages in the area.
What influenced the Renaissance movement?
People started to look back on ancient civilizations like Greek or Rome and took ideas from them and implemented them into their world and it affected many things like art, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and literature.
What were the 4 concepts valued by humanists?
Humanists believe that there is power in reason, you should be skilled in more than one area, you can achieve anything through the power of learning, and a person should have an open and curious mind.
Describe a renaissance person?
A person who was skilled in many different skills.
How were the Renaissance ideas of education similar to what we believe today?
Before the renaissance education was mainly catholic and what the bible taught us but in the renaissance humanists believed in teaching the whole of the child or teaching the child many skills which are kind of what it is today we are taught many different subjects based on science finding etc. Other than what the bible said.
Describe a renaissance person?
A person who was skilled in many different skills.
How were the Renaissance ideas of education similar to what we believe today?
Before the renaissance education was mainly catholic and what the bible taught us but in the renaissance humanists believed in teaching the whole of the child or teaching the child many skills which are kind of what it is today we are taught many different subjects based on science finding etc. Other than what the bible said.
What role did art play in the early Renaissance?
Art before was 2 dimensional and mainly focused on religious painting and they did not have a lot of detail. During the renaissance art started to become more detailed and have angles to create an in-depth look, artists also started signing their work.
How did artwork change during the Renaissance? Painting Architecture Sculpture and Literature.
The artwork started to become more detailed and three-dimensional it started to include angles etc. Literature was affected by ancient greek books and people started copying architectural ideas from greek books.
In what ways can shifts in ideas affect a society’s worldview? (Use the questions on page 5 to answer this question)
The main factor that can affect a person’s worldview is their society/where they live. This can affect them because they are exposed to many different times of people/ideas and their knowledge can also affect their worldview. Values/Beliefs can also influence someone. Take a very religious person for example this person will only listen to what the bible says and nothing else unlike a person who believes in both so he can be influenced by both science and religion.
Chapter 4
Exchange of ideas
The following terms
The church sold indulgences because people feared going to hell so they were basically excused if they gave the church some money
Protestant Reformation
A protest against the church to seek reformation because they were inspired by Martin Luther or Savonarola.
unscrupulous person who seeks and holds power by any means possible.
How did the scientific method change the way experiments were conducted?
The scientific method made results more standard and created the ability to test hypotheses and prove results.
What role do leaders play in changing or maintaining worldview?
A bad leader can change their people’s worldview for the worse or for the better just by influence.
During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was arguably the most powerful institution in Europe. As the Renaissance period was introduced, the church leaders were under speculation of taking advantage of their authority to gain power and money for themselves. Why were the people beginning to scrutinize the church?
They were selling indulgences to people.
Who led the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther led people to revolt against the church to achieve reformation which caused the church to lose most of its members and authority the church, later on, did fix the corruption in the higher positions and made a rule to give pastors more education.
Early on in the Renaissance, such families as the Medici family established libraries and academies to help spread this new knowledge to their people. Why did these families feel the need to create these spaces?
The Medici family were humanists and they believed that in order to better their community is to donate books and other things so people can teach themselves. It was also because they were too rich.
In what ways do you think modern communication technology affects your worldview?
Being exposed to more opinions and thoughts can ultimately change your worldview.
Why do you think the Renaissance was known as an information age?
Renaissance was an idea of rebirth where many people started having different world views and ideas. This was also the time when the scientific method was created which further helped in proving theories.
What effects did the development of the printing press and writing and printing books in the vernacular have?
The printing press helped with spreading knowledge and ideas.
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
Isabella D’este supported the individual in education and having freedom(people can speak against her).
Chapter 5
Age of exploration
The following terms
A government or state extending its power to another territory.
The act of traveling around something like an island or continent.
was a revolt against authority for example a captain of a ship.
What factors might motivate society to venture into unknown regions beyond its borders?
More knowledge and advancements in technology. Including Gold, God, and curiosity.
What do you feel is the most significant reason why explorers were able to explore? Explain
Advancements in technology helped them in navigating and there were also better boats.
How similar is space exploration compared to exploration done in the Renaissance?
They thought about terraforming or transforming land to their liking.
What were the economic, religious, and political motives for exploring/expansion?
They wanted to expand so they can teach other people about Christianity and for economic they wanted more resources like gold supply. Curiosity, and also to expand their power either through expansionism or imperialism.
How might competition among the various countries have affected their exploration decisions?
Richer countries were able to fund more exploration.
What are some technological advancements that helped explorers travel the globe?
They made better navigational equipment and also had better maps than before this also included them having better boats. For example, some boats were made to be faster while some were slower but were able to carry more cargo.
Why were explorers determined to venture into dangerous, unknown waters?
They wanted to expand so they could get more resources and they were also curious. They also had a competition on who could make the best trade routes for spices and other valuable goods. People were also not scared of sea monsters because they were disproven.