Unit F - list A Flashcards
Information gathered during an experiment first-hand evidence from the five senses or from machines that extend our senses.
In event related to how the world and universe work
Any representation of a system its components to help him study and understand how it works
What is the imaginary line around which an object spins or rotate Earth rotates around an axis that runs straight through the Earth from the North Pole to the stop
Crescent Moon
the phase of the moon in which the liquid portion of the moon visible surface is less than a half circle Crescent moons occur right after and right before the new moon
An imaginary line that divides the earth into halves called the Northern Hemisphere and the southern hemisphere
first quarter moon
The phase of the moon that occurs about 14 days after the new moon in which the complete lighted portion of the moon is visible from Earth surface and appearance of the full circle
full moon
The phase of the moon that occurs about 14 days after the new moon in which the complete lighted portion of the moon is visible from Earth surface and appears as a full circle
gibbous moon
A phase of the moon before or after this for one more than half of its disk is illuminated
last quarter moon
The phase of the moon that occurs about 7 days after full moon in which the lighted portion of the Moon that is visible from Earth surface is a half circle
lunar cycle
The revolution of the Moon around the earth that produces the changing phases of the moon one complete lunar cycle takes up to 29.5 days
new moon
The phase of the moon occur in about 14 days after the full moon, in which none of the lighted portion of the moon is visible from Earth surface
Another term for Revolution
Consistent with evidence
rotation, rotate
To turn or spin around in axis
time zone
A region throughout which the same Standard time is used there 24 time zones in the world at approximately by Meridian set 15 degree intervals an hour apart
A complete circle made by a planet around the Sun or by a moon around a planet
To travel around another object in a circular or elliptical path
Phases of the moon when the illuminated portion visible from Earth is decreasing between the full and new moon
The phases of the moon when The Limited portion visible from Earth is increase between the new and full moon
One half of a sphere the half of Earth that is north of the equator is the Northern Hemisphere and the half of the earth that is south of the equator is the southern hemisphere
the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.