Unit Eighteen Flashcards
(an es thet´ ik) n. A substance which causes loss of feeling
G. an, “without,” + aesthesis = without feeling
The doctor administered an anesthetic before operating on the patient’s foot.
(es thet´ ik) adj. Having to do with beauty or order.
Syn: artistic
(ap ə thet´ ik) adj. Not interested; having no strong emotion towards
G. a, “not,” + pathein = having no feeling
The speaker tried to rally the crowd, but most of the people present were apathetic.
syn: indifferent
(em´ pə thē) n. Sharing of another’s emotions
G. em, “inside,” + pathos = feel from inside
Nelly was divided between feeling empathy for her boss and concern about her own future at the company.
syn: compassion ant: opposition
(pā´ thōs) n. Power of evoking great sadness or sympathy
The sheer pathos of the opera’s final scene left the audience in tears.
syn: pitifulness
(an tip´ ə thē) adj. Hostility or hatred
G. anti, “against,” + pathein = feeling against
The fans’ antipathy for the coach increased when he lost the game.
syn: dislike ant: sympathy
(sen´ shənt) adj. Conscious; aware
Do you think there are other sentient beings in the universe?
ant: unaware
(sen´ ti nəl) n. One who watches or guards
L. literally, one being aware
George was posted as sentinel over the camp.
(sen´ tə mənt) n. A feeling about something
Although Vinnie expressed his sincere love for Sandra, she did not return the sentiment.
syn: attitude
A sentiment can be a simple feeling about something; to be sentimental is to be too emotional.
(prē zent´ ə mənt) n. A feeling about something before it happens
L. pre, “before,” + sentire = feeling before
I had an uneasy presentiment about the party that evening.
syn: foreboding
(tan´ jə bəl) adj. Able to be grasped or perceived
The rewards of volunteering may not be as tangible as a new car or a new house, but they are just as real.
syn: concrete ant: abstract
(tak´ tīl) adj. Pertaining to touch
The poet uses tactile imagery to give his reader the feeling of rough boards and damp sand.
(in takt´) adj. Unbroken; whole
L. in, “not,” + tactum = not touched
Amazingly, the vase was intact even after rolling to the bottom of the hill.
syn: unharmed
Latin: to touch.
Latin: to feel; to be aware.
Greek: to feel.
Greek: feeling; perception.