Unit E Fresh and Salt water systems Flashcards
study for final
technique for separating solutions that involves boiling and condensation
Hard Water
Water containing a high concentration of calcium and magnesium
Reverse osmosis
movement of water through a membrane from an area lower water concentration to one of a higher water concentration
Potable Water
water that is safe for humans to drink
amount of dissolved salts in water
Water quality
the measure of the amount of substances in a water sample
large moving bodies of ice
average weather measured over a long period of time
continental divide
highest point of land on a continent
eroded rock fragments and soil carried by water or wind
stream characteristics
characteristics used to describe a stream or a river
daily water changes in the ocean
area of land that drains into one main lake or river
in water, the circular movement of water particles causes the change in pattern which means that the waves are along the surface
steam of water that moves within a large body of water