Cell Cycle
The sequence of stages through which a cell passes from
one cell division to the next.
A type of cell division in which a daughter cell receives
the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
A threadlike structure of nucleic acids and proteins found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
The combination of DNA and protein that make up
The structure that holds chromatids together.
Sister Chromatids (NON-Homologous Chromosomes)
A chromosome and its duplicate, attached to one another by a centromere until separated during mitosis.
Homologous Chromosomes
Pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism that have similar genes, although not necessarily identical. Carries same genes at the same location and carries different forms (alleles) of the same gene.
Refers to twice the number of chromosomes in a gamete.
Refers to the number of chromosomes in a gamete.
Stages of Mitosis
- Interphase
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
- Cytokinesis
Interphase (LONGEST phase)
The time interval between nuclear divisions when a cell increases in mass, roughly doubles the cytoplasmic components, and duplicates its chromosomes. Includes G1, S phase and another G2.
G1 Phase
Cells undergo a period of rapid growth, and the chromosomes are unduplicated.
S Phase
Cells begin to prepare for division during interphase by duplicating its chromosomes. At the end of the S phase, all the chromosomes are therefore duplicated chromosomes.
G2 Phase
The cell again grows and it completes the preparations for division (mitosis, or the M phase).
- Chromosomes continue to condense. The centrioles assemble and spindle fibres attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes.
- The nuclear membrane starts to dissolve.
- The centrioles move to opposite poles of
the cell and spindle fibres start to form.
- Chromosomes composed of sister chromatids move toward the centre of the cell guided by the spindle fibres.
- Chromatids can become intertwined during metaphase.
- The centromeres divide and the sister chromatids, now referred to as chromosomes, move to opposite poles of the cell.
- Spindle fibres shorten and other microtubules in the spindle apparatus lengthen and force the poles of the cell away from each other.
- Same number and type of chromosomes will be found at each pole. One complete diploid set of chromosomes is gathered at each pole of the elongated cell.
- Chromosomes reach opposite poles of the cell and begin to lengthen.
- Nuclear membrane forms.
- The spindle fibres dissolve.
- Chromatids start to unwind into the longer and less visible strands of chromatin.
- Cytoplasm begins to divide.
In an animal cell, a furrow develops, pinching off the cell into two parts. This is the end of cell division.
In plant cells, the separation is accomplished by a cell plate that forms between the two chromatin masses. The cell plate will develop into a new cell wall, eventually sealing off the contents of the new cells from each other.
Cell division is stopped by…
Cell specialization. Relatively unspecialized cells, such as skin cells and the cells that line the digestive tract, reproduce more often than do the more specialized muscle cells, nerve cells, and secretory cells.
What two cells divide endlessly?
The sperm-producing cells, called spermatogonia, and the cells of a cancerous tumour. Cancer cells divide at such an accelerated rate that the genes cannot regulate the proliferation and cannot direct the cells toward specialization.
A clone originates from a single parent cell, and both the clone and parent have identical (or nearly identical) nuclear DNA. Considered a form of asexual reproduction.
Animal Cloning Technology Order
- Donor mouse developing cells collected
2, Single cells isolated and nucleus extracted - Unfertilized egg removed from recipient mouse
- Nucleus from donor injected into an enucleated egg
- Egg cultured in laboratory
- Cell mass is implanted in the recipient mouse
- Recipient mouse gives birth to the clone mouse (white same as the donor!)
Caps at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres reduce in length each time a cell goes through the cell cyles and divides.
As a cell begins to become cancerous, it divides more often, and its telomeres become very short. If its telomeres get too short, the cell may die. Often times, these cells escape death by making more telomerase enzyme, which prevents the telomeres from getting even shorter. In the large majority of cancer cells, telomere length is maintained by telomerase.
A type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells. This process is required to produce egg and sperm cells for sexual reproduction. two-stage cell division in which the chromosome number of the parental cell is reduced by half.
Prophase I
- Each pair of homologous chromosomes pair up (synapsis) (same genes different alleles)
- As the chromosomes synapse, the chromatids
can intertwine. Sometimes the intertwined chromatids from different homologues break and exchange segments in a process called crossing over - Centriole splits and parts move to opposite
- Each chromosome of the pair is a homologue and composed of a pair of sister chromatids (tetrad)
- Nuclear membrane disappears
A pair of homologous chromosomes, each with two
The pairing of homologous chromosomes. This occurs during prophase I of meiosis and is where crossing over occurs as homologous chromosomes swap genetic material.
Why is crossing over important
Crossing over permits the exchange of genetic material between homologous pairs of chromosomes.
Metaphase I
- Homologous chromosomes attach themselves to the spindle fibres and line up along the equatorial plate.
- Chromosomes align as homologous pairs
- Spindle fibre from one pole attaches to one pair of sister chromatids in the tetrad
Anaphase I
- Homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles. The process is known as segregation.
- Reduction Divison
- One member of each homologous pair will be found in each of the new cells. Each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids.
Homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles. This occurs during Anaphase I of meiosis
Telophase I
- Homolous chromosomes begin to uncoil and spindle fibre disappears.
- A membrane begins to form around each nucleus.
- Cytoplasm divides, there are now 2 cells!
- Unlike in mitosis, the chromosomes in the two nuclei are not identical because each of the daughter nuclei contains one member of the homologous chromosome pair.
End of Meiosis I
- Ends with 2 genetically different haploid daughter cells
- Each haploid cell contains only ONE chromosome (n=2)
- Homologus chromosomes (chromosome pairs) are separated into two different cells
- 2 haploid cells each with duplicated chromosomes
Before Meiosis II
Unlike with mitosis and meiosis I, there is no replication of chromosomes prior to meiosis II. Pairs of chromatids will separate and move to opposite poles
Prophase II
- Nuclear membrane dissolves and the spindle fibres begin to form.
- The centrioles in the two new cells move to opposite poles and new spindle fibres form. The chromosomes become attached to the spindle.
Metaphase II
- Arrangement of the chromosomes, each with two chromatids, along the equatorial plate. The chromatids remain pinned together by the centromere.
Anaphase II
- Breaking of the attachment between the two chromatids and by their movement to the opposite poles. 2. This stage ends when the nuclear membrane begins to form around the chromatids, now referred to as chromosomes.
Telophase II
- The cytoplasm separates, leaving four haploid
daughter cells. The chromosome number has
been reduced by half. These cells may become gametes. - Second division of cytoplasm occurs.
End of Meiosis II
- Daughter cells are still haploid but contain a single unreplicated chromosomes
- Sister chromatids have separated, haploid cells with non-duplicated chromosome
Independent Assortment
During meiosis, chromosome combinations occur at random. During meiosis I when homologous pairs line up in random orientations at the middle of the cell as they prepare to separate.
Variation occurs because…
- During prophase I exchange genes on the chromosomes.
- During metaphase I, the paternal and maternal chromosomes are randomly assorted. Although homologues always go to opposite poles, a pole could receive all the maternal chromosomes, all the paternal ones, or some combination.
- During fertilization, different combinations of chromosomes and genes occur when two gametes unite.
The formation of gametes (sex cells) in animals
- Oogonia divide by mitosis and produce primary oocytes. 3 months after conception, the ovaries contain 2 million primary oocytes arrested in prophase I.
- One or a few oocytes complete meiosis I every month after puberty (ovulation). This produces a secondary oocyte and a first polar body which degenerates.
- Secondary oocyte undergoes meiosis II where it is arrested in metaphase II. When ovulated and fertilized, the secondary oocyte completes meiosis II. (if not it degenerates, producing an ootid and polar bodies).
- This produces a fertilized ovum and a second polar body which degenerates.
- Spermatogonium/Spermatogonium undergoes mitosis during puberty and forms primary spermatocytes
- Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis I to produce secondary spermatocytes
- Secondary spermatocytes undergo meiosis II to produce spermatids
Problem during segregation, too few or too many gametes!
- Anaphase I: Homologous chromosome pairs do not separate to opposite poles and instead one entire pair is pulled to the same pole
- Anaphase II: Sister chromatids do not separate to opposite poles and instead both sister chromatids pulled to the same pole
- Gametes with 22 and 24 chromosome depending on which cell is fertilized
A single chromosome in place of a homologous pair. A sex cell containing 22 chromosomes joins with a normal gamete causing zygote to become 2n = 45
- Turning Syndrome/Monosomy X (missing X chromosome)
There are three homologous chromosomes in place of a homologous pair. Sex cell containing 24 chromosomes joins with a normal gamete causing zygote to become 2n = 47
- Down Syndrome/trisomy 21
- Edwards Syndrome/trisomy 18
- Patau Syndrome/trisomy 13
Nondisjunction in either sperm or egg cells
- Klinefelter syndrome (inherit 2 X chromosomes and a single Y chromosome, males are sterile)
- Jacobs syndrome (inherits 1 X chromosome and 2 Y chromosomes (trisomic female).
Karyotype Charts
Obtain by mixing a small sample of tissue with a solution stimulating mitotic division. STOP division at metaphase, chromosomes are at their most condensed form and their size, length and centromere location are most discernible. Metaphase chromosomes are placed onto a slide, stained, image enlarged and each chromosome is cut out and paired up with its homologue.
Asexual Reproduction
Mitosis is the key mechanism
Sexual Reproduction
Meiosis and fertilization is the key mechanism
Different from human somatic cells, does not undergo mitosis. Bacteria and other prokaryotes have a single circular chromosome and NO nucleus, they use binary fission, grow exponentially with genetically identical populations.
Mini version of the parent grows out from the parent’s body, organism separates to be independent.
Vegetative Reproduction
Offspring develop at the end of a creeping stem (strawberry).
The organism grows from a fragment of a parent plant (potatoes, sea stars).
Unfertilized eggs develop into offspring (bees, lizards).
Structure containing genetic material and cytoplasm surrounded by protective sheath/wall. May be haploid or diploid and not all spores are the product of asexual reproduction.
Life cycle of plants consists of 2 generations…
Haploid and diploid generation
Diploid Generation
Sporophyte (spore-making body): through meiosis, the sporophyte produces one or more haploid spores.
Haploid Generation
Gametophyte (gamete-making body): through mitosis, each haploid spore grows into the plant body, producing male and female gametes while fusing at fertilization to make another sporophyte.