Unit C Flashcards
What is maturation?
It is a process
Name the three components of maturation..
Time, timing and tempo
What is maturity?
It is a status within the maturation process
What are the 5 measures of maturity?
Skeletal Sexual Somatic Dental Neuromuscular
What is the duration of skeletal growth?
The whole growth period..
What is the duration of sexual growth?
What is the duration of somatic growth?
Growth spurt/ adolescence
What is the duration of neuromuscular growth?
Motor development mile stones
What are the motor development milestones?
See unit a
What is the duration of dental growth?
Infancy, childhood
What is bone age and what are the 4 components we look at?
It’s the measure of how mature your bones are (when they go from prenatal cartilage skeleton to fully developed skeleton)
This is based on
Ossification -> how white it is
Shape -> how refined the shape is
Joint formation-> is the joint wide or narrow (narrow = mature)
Epiphyseal fusion of bones
What are the three methods of assessment of skeletal maturity?
Greulich-Pyle (GP)
Tanner-White House
What is greulich-Pyle? And where is it used
It’s is an xray of the hand that is compared to other X-rays to indicate age.. It is used in clinic
What is ultrasound and MRI used for? Which one is cheaper?
Can now estimate adult height.. Ultrasound is cheaper
Why do we care about skeletal maturity?
Health related issues
What could be the reason why athletes/ high performance athletes are more skeletally mature?
Either they are picked because they show maturity or the exercises are promoting them to be more mature..
What is the relative age effect?
Relative age = the month at which you were born
Among athletes there is a trend that those who were in the older age (ie born January - March vs October -December) they succeed more in sport
What is sexual maturity (general terms)?
The ability to reproduce
What are the tanner stages?
A sexual maturity assessment (there are 5 stages)
For girls
Pubic hair
Breast development
For boys
Pubic hair (ph)
Penis and testes (G)
Within the tanner stages when do we start to see development?
Stage 2
How do we assess sexual maturity using the tanner stages?
Secondary sex characteristics
Is pubertal maturation occurring at earlier ages? / can obesity effect maturation
Over all yes but not for good reasons it is because there is an higher overall bmi in the younger population therefore they are maturing earlier because obesity can affect the rate of maturation
What are factors that could explain menstrual dysfunction?
Genetics, preselection (similar to the relative age concept) and environmental factors (exercise, nutrition, psychological stress)
Why is it hard to deturmine if a dysfunction of maturity is due to an endocrine problem? What does indicate maturity though?
Variability throughout day Variability between days Affecting factors (stress) Wide normal range Presence does not equal activity Free vs. bound
What does indicate maturity - increase in hormones secretion begining initially in sleep until maturity..
What are the 4 indicators of skeletal maturity?
Ossification, shape, joint formation, epiphyseal fusion of bones
Why do we care about skeletal maturity?
Possible health risks and sports potential..