Unit 9: Employer Health tax Flashcards
Who pays EHT
all employers that have the following
- a permanent establishment in Ontario
- have employees that report to work at the Ontario permanent establishment OR
- have employees who do not report for work at a permanent establishment but are paid from the Ontario permanent establishment
What does EHT stand for
employer health tax
What EHT calculated on
the total Ontario remuneration or employment income (usually total of box 14 of all T4s for Ontario)
What does box 14 on T4 include
- employment income : wages, salaries, overtime
- bonuses, commissions or other similar payments based on sales volumes or contracts negotiated
- wages in lieu of notice, vacation
- directors fees
- casual labour
- top -up payments for maternity/paternity leave or WSIB payments
- taxable allowances and benefits
- gratuities paid or controlled by the employer
- disability benefits paid directly by the employer under the terms of an administrative services only (aso) plan
- remuneration paid to members of religious order, despite vows of perpetual poverty which exclude the payment or allowance from income tax
- free accommodation or allowances paid to clergy for accommodation, included in income but considered a deduction
- employer’s contribution to an employee trusts plan, included in the employee’s income when the trustee allocates it each year
- amounts earned during the year where an employee has a right under a salary deferral arrangement
- scholarships or awards paid to children of employees where there is not merit criteria in choosing the receipient
- amounts paid by a 3rd party to an employee in consideration for the employee providing a service in Ontario to a 3rd party if:
a) it is reasonable to believe the employee would not have been engaged to provide the service if the employee had not been an employee of the employer
b) the service is the same or similar to that normally carried out by the employee of the employer amount not subject EHT otherwise
Ex. off-duty police officer hired by a 3rd party for traffic or crowd control at a sporting event. the police force would be required to pay EHT on the remuneration paid by the 3rd party to the officer
EHT calculation does not include what? (11)
- payrolls of embassies and consulates
- payrolls of native people doing business on a reserve and relating to natives people working for a corporation on a reserve
- pension, annuity or superannuation paid to retired employees
- retiring allowances/severance pay
- non-taxable awards from WSIB
- scholarship or award paid to children of employees who are selected on the basis of scholastic records or other achievements
- board and lodging provide at a special or remote work location
- group sickness or accident insurance plans
- private health service plans
- supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans
- deferred profit sharing plans
What does the EHT rate depend on?
depends on the employer’s gross annual payroll
what is the EHT rate for payroll up to $200,000?
what is the EHT rate for payroll from $200,001 to $230,000?
what is the EHT rate for payroll from $230,001 - $260,000
What is the EHT rate for payroll from $260,001 to $290,000
what is the EHT rate for payroll from $290,001 to $320,000
what is the EHT rate for payroll from $320,001 to $350,000
what is the EHT rate for payroll from $350,001 to $380,000
what is the EHT rate for payroll from $380,001 to $400,000
what is the EHT rate for payroll over $450,000
The first $450,000 annual payroll is exempt from EHT for employers who are what?
- in the private-sector
- organizations that are considered part of the Ontario public sector for the purposes of the social contract act and are funded by the Ontario gov. but are not controlled by it
- Crown corporations subject to tax under Part 1 of the Income tax act
What employers are not eligible for the EHT tax exemption?
- employers with total Ontario remuneration of more than $5,000,000
- public sector employers, including federal, provincial and municipal governments, universities, colleges, school boards and hospitals
- crown agencies not subject to tax under Part 1 of the income tax act
- employers exempt form income tax under paragraphs 149 (1)(a) to (d), h.1), (o) to (0.2), (0.4) to (s) and (u) to (y) of the income tax act. for example municipal and provincial corporations and certain trusts
The EHT is an annual tax; however, the reporting and remitting requirements will depend on the size of the employer’s payroll, before the annual exemption is considered. When are installments remitted?
once the cumulative payroll for the year exceeds the exemption amount which is $450,000
If an employer has an annual payroll of less than $450,000 what are the remitting and reporting requirements for EHT?
no instalments
no annual return
If an employer has an annual payroll of more than $400,001 to less than $600,000 what is the remitting and reporting requiremnts for EHT?
no instalments
pay annual by March 15 of the following year
Annual return due by March 15 of the following year as well
If an employer annual payroll is more than $600,000.01 what is the remitting and reporting requirements for EHT?
monthly instalments due 15th of the month using the pervious month’s payroll to determine payment
Annual return by March 15 of the following year
What do employer’s paying EHT by installments receive?
an instalment statement (prior to due date)
What does the EHT instalment statement have
top portion of this statement must be completed and returned wit the payment
bottom portion contains the employer account information and is kept by the employer
Employer’s must complete and file an Annual return with the ministry of finance by when?
March 15 of the following year
What is the purpose of filing and annual return for EHT?
to reconcile the tax paid for the year to the tax payable.
employers will either submit the difference in tax, or apply for a refund credit in the case of an overpayment
Where can employers pay their EHT?
- at a financial institution fee of charge
- they need to bring their instalment statement to make the payment - by mail,
will need to send the instalment statement as well - Deliver to any EHT regional offices or ministry of finance information centres
What if employers have multiple accounts for EHT what can they do?
the can file a separate annual return for each account, rather than one combined return
IF an employer has multiple accounts for EHT can they have the $400,000 exemption for both?
no it can only be applied to the total of the accounts, not each individual account
What is the penalty for EHT remittance not paid on time?
10% of the tax unpaid, to a maximum of $2,500