unit 9 education and work Flashcards
Education - offered as a measure to alleviate social problems
Highly emotional and political topics
Inequality is linked to employment, and employment is linked to education
Education is linked to family socio-economic status
Socio-economic status best predictor of success
Education in Canada
- Provincial responsibility (Constitution Act, 1867)
Free public education K-12
Denominational, English or French
Canada has the highest percentage of population with postsecondary education (USA – more degrees)
PSEd. expensive $
Sociological Theories of Education
Structural-Functionalist Perspective Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Critical Theories of Education Feminist Perspectives
Structural-Functionalist Perspective
-Instruction for future roles Skills and knowledge -Socialization Respect for authority, norms values and traditions of the dominant culture -Sorting of individuals into various statuses Credentials -Provision of custodial care Free supervision and child care
Conflict Perspective
-Solidifies the class positions
-Allows the elite to control the masses
-Indoctrination into capitalist ideology
-Cultural imperialism
Indoctrination into the dominant culture
-Cultural capital not equally valued
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
- Examines education from a micro perspective
- Concerned with individual and small group issues such as teacher-student interactions
- The self-filling prophecy occurs when people act in a manner consistent with the expectations of others
Critical Theories of Education
-Louis Althuser (1919-1990) Education serves state-sponsored views or ideologies -Two main goals of education Learn what is required as workers Observation of the rules of the culture
Feminist Perspectives
to provide the benefits of information, of increased educational attainment, and of access
-Critical assessment of educational traditions
Social Class and Family Background
-Children in middle and upper socioeconomic brackets are more likely: To perform better in school To complete more years of education To enroll in advanced math courses Complete high school
Social Class and Family Background
- Young people from high income families:
- 5 times more likely to enrol postsecondary education
- 5 times more likely to attend university
Lower Socioeconomic Backgrounds
Less ready for school
More likely to have poor health, hyperactivity, and delayed vocabulary
Have mothers with low levels of education
How can we account for the differences?
- Disposable income:
Less money to buy books, computers, hire tutors
Less likely to expect their children to go to college or university
-Intellectual capital
Parents have limited language and academic skills
Problems in Canadian Education
- Low levels of academic achievement
- School dropouts
- Student violence
- High costs
- Inadequate facilities
High Costs of Postsecondary Education
- Tuition fees
- Student debt
- Full-time faculty
- Student-faculty ratios
- Deregulated fee programs
- Computers in school and home
- Allow students to progress at their own pace
- Software for different abilities
- Distance learning
Does education pay?
A comparison of earnings by level of education in Canada and its provinces and territories- Census 2016
Economic system Investment Production Profit Competitive market Self interest – profit Supply and demand Laissez-faire
Nature of Work
Primary Work Sector: Production of raw materials Secondary Work Sector: Manufacturing Tertiary Work Sector: Service
Sociological Theories of Work and the Economy
Structural-Functionalist Perspective Conflict Perspective Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Feminist Perspectives Queer Theory Perspectives
Structural-Functionalist Perspective
-Economy Important social institution Provides necessities Contributes to social stability Surplus material and wealth can be allocated to other social uses
- Industrial Society Division of labour ANOMIE Normlessness Weak or unclear norms and values Result from rapid social change Linked to social problems
Conflict Perspective
Karl Marx
Capitalism benefits the Ruling Class
Working masses are exploited and oppressed
Ruling class controls the economy, and other aspects of society
Some Examples of Policies and Organizations
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Bank
World Trade Organization (WTO)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
USMCA (2018)
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
Work role: Central part of a person’s identity Meaning and self worth Master status for many Attitudes and behaviours are influenced by interaction with others in the work