unit 9 Flashcards
Nontariff barriers to import
Non tariff barriers
Refers to any policy used by the government to reduce imports (other than a tariff)
Non Tariff barriers - 3 direct effects
- Limiting the quantity of imports
- increasing the cost of getting imports into the market
- creating uncertainty about the conditions of imports permission
Major types of NTBs
Import Quota
limit on the total quantity of imports during a period of time, giving a limited number of licenses to import
Major types of NTBs
import quote - reasons
- Ensure strict limitation of import quantity
- fives gov. officials grater power (admin, authority of licenses distribution)
Major types of NTBS
Voluntary exports restrains (VERs)
- Quantitate limit on exports
- Government in the importing country complexs the foreign exporting to agree “VOLUNTARILY” to restraints its exports to its country
Voluntary exports restrains (VERs)
works like:
import quota, except imposed by exporting rather then importing country
Major types of NTBs
Government procurement
laws and government rules that favour local products when the government is the buyer
Major types of NTBs
Import Quota
Voluntary exports restrains (VERs)
Government procurement
Local content and mixing requirements
Technical and product standards
Major types of NTBs
Local content and mixing requirements
Require specific use of local labor, material or other products
Major types of NTBs
Technical and product standards
- requirement of a certain quality for a product (for example for well-being, health, or safety reasons)
- Usually standards are more easily met by local products compared to imported products
Major types of NTBs
Import licensing
requires importers to apply for and receive approval for intended imports
Major types of NTBs
Import licensing - ways to allocate licenses
- fixed favourism
- auction
- resource-using procedure
Major types of NTBs
Import policy and licensing procedure
- categories of imports
- special schemes for imports
- obtaining export license
- application for grant of import licenses for certain categories
- territorial jurisdiction of import licensing authorites
- licensing period, conditions and validation of import license
Fixed favoritism:
the government simply assigns the licenses to firms and or individuals without competition, applications or negotiations.
the govement can run an import license auction: selling import licenses on a completive basis to the highest bidders.