Unit 8 Study Guide - Moses and the Exodus Flashcards
List the ten plagues
- The plague of blood
- ” “ frogs
- ” “ ants
- ” “ flies
- ” “ livestock
- ” “ boils
- ” “ hail
- ” “ locusts
- ” “ darkness
- ” “ on the first born
List the items that were a part of the Passover feast.
lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and eating while standing
Where did Moses live?
He lived in Pharoah’s palace for 40 years and for 40 years in the desert.
Why did God tell Moses to take off his shoes?
He told him to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground.
Whom did God send to speak for Moses?
He sent Aaron
When the people were told to sacrifice an unblemished lamb, where were they told to put its blood?
They were told to put the blood on their door posts
What were the Israelites told to celebrate in order to remember how God brough them out of Egypt?
They were told to Celebrate Passover
When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, what did God tell Moses to do?
Tod told Moses to go back to Egypt and bring the Israelites out of Egypt.
What did God show the Israelites and Egyptians through the ten plagues?
He showed them that He was powerful and that He cared for them.
How did the Israelites cross the sea?
God parted the waters and they walked across on dry ground.
Write two examples that tell how God took care of Moses.
- God took care of Moses when he was in a basket in the Nile
- When he moved to Midian to get away from Pharoah
Pharaoh’s oldest son was
killed by the angel of death
watched her baby brother in a basket
was an Israelite raised in Pharoh’s household.
married Moses