Unit 8 Part 1 Flashcards
What does ‘agonizing’ mean?
Anxiety or difficulty causing great pain.
What is an ‘animal’?
A creature that is not a bird, a fish, a reptile, an insect, or a human.
What is an ‘attack (on)’?
Strong criticism of someone or something in speech or in writing.
What does ‘awe-inspiring’ mean?
Making you feel respect and admiration.
What does it mean to ‘bake’?
To cook food in an oven without extra fat or liquid.
What is a ‘banquet’?
A formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion.
What is a ‘barbecue’?
An outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way.
What does ‘based (on)’ mean?
If one thing is based on another, it uses it or is developed from it.
What does ‘better off (without)’ mean?
Used to say that someone is or would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing.
What does it mean to ‘boil’?
To cook or wash something in boiling water.
What are ‘carbon emissions’?
Carbon gas that is sent out into the atmosphere.
What does ‘Chinese’ refer to?
From or connected with China.
What does ‘classic’ mean?
With all the features you would expect to find, typical.
What does ‘cold-blooded’ mean?
Showing no feelings or pity for other people.
What does ‘concerned (about)’ mean?
Worried and feeling concern about something.
What does ‘countless’ mean?
Too many to be counted or mentioned.
What does ‘critical’ mean?
Extremely important because a future situation will be affected by it.
What does ‘depend (on)’ mean?
To rely on someone or something and be able to trust them.
What is a ‘(traditional) dish’?
Food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal.
What does ‘distressing’ mean?
Making you feel extremely upset, especially because of someone’s suffering.
What is an ‘(maintain an) ecosystem’?
All the plants and living creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment.
What is an ‘emergency’?
A sudden serious and dangerous event or situation which needs immediate action to deal with it.
What is ‘empathy (for)’?
The ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience, etc.
What does ‘face the music’ mean?
To accept and deal with criticism or punishment for something you have done.
What does ‘face up to (the facts)’ mean?
To accept and deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant.