Unit 8: Heresies, Fathers, and Doctors of the Church Flashcards
The ______ __ _________ is all that is contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles, and from which the Magisterium draws all that it presents for belief as revealed by God.
Deposit of Faith/Truth
To unveil or uncover is the definition of_____________
What is Divine Revelation
God communicating himself to man gradually
Answer with term:
A family agreement between God and his people
When did public revelation begin and end?
Begin: Abraham
End: Death of St. John
What are the three primary methods or pillars of Divine Revelation?
- Sacred Tradition
- Sacred Scripture
- The Magisterium
Define Sacred Tradition
The oral/spoken word of God that comes from the Apostles and then passed on to their successors
Define Sacred Scripture
The written word of God
- What is The Magisterium?
- Who does it consist of?
- The teaching authority of the Church
- The Pope and bishops in communion with him.
Which came first, Sacred Tradition or Sacred Scripture?
Sacred Tradition
Name the 4 Tenets that are included under Sacred Tradition
- Creeds
- Writings of the Church Father’s
- Writings of the Doctors of the Church
- (Docterin that comes out of) Eccumenical Councils
Men taught by the apostles themselves are called:
Apostolic Fathers
Holy Christian writers who lived early in the Church are called
Fathers of the Church
Holy Christian writers and theologins who lived in later centuries of the Church are called:
Doctors of the Church
Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore brothers stand firm to the traditions that you were taught either by an oral statement or a letter of ours
Name 3 doctors of the Church that have something to do with JP2:
- St. Albert the Great (House)
- St. Robert Bellarmine (The Church)
- St. Catherine of Siena (House)
The Bible was written by human authors but inspired by:
The Holy Spirit
What does the Latin word inspirare mean?
to breathe in
Who is the saint that has the famous quote: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”
St. Jerome
Is scripture the sole source for Catholics?
The Bible is infallible. What does this mean?
Without error
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness
- Name the 2 sections of the Bible
- How many books are in each?
- How many total?
1.~Old Testament, 46
2. ~New Testament, 27
3. 73 books
+ 27
Name the 2 names for the first 5 books
- Torah
- Pentatuch
Name the first 5 books
- Genesis
- Exodous
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
The Arian heresy taught that Jesus was not _____
Who Said It???
“Our Hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Who was a Church Father who was one of the greatest oppnents of the Arian Heresy from the west?
St. Athanasius
Who was St. Augustine’s mother?
St. Monica
Who are two of the greatest minds the Church has ever known?
(West & East)
- St. Augustine (West)
- St. Basil the Great (East)
St. Basil
- He was the Father of monasticism in the ________ (East or West)
- He lived an Ascetical life. What does this mean?
- Which groups of people live Astetical lives
- East
- Simple life
- Monks and Hermits
New Virtues for this unit.
Define the virtue:
- Self - Discipline
- Iron Willed
- The virtue that gives us the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions, senses, and desires or the expression of them in one’s behaviour
- The virtue that gives the strength to always keep on task of what I ought to be doing; having the faith to move mountains