Unit 8 | active vocabulary Flashcards
income stream
/ˈɪn.kʌm ˌstriːm/
a consistent source of income generated over time from a specific activity or business operation
[!] income stream refers to the source, while income glow refers to the movement or management of income
[LV: ienākumu avots]
income flow
/ˈɪn.kʌm ˌfləʊ/
the movement of income into and out of a business or personal finances over time
[!] income stream refers to the source, while income glow refers to the movement or management of income
[LV: ienākumu plūsma]
involving two sides, parties, or groups; often used in the context of agreements, cooperation, or trade [divpusējs, abpusējs]
* a bilateral agreement (divpusējs līgums)
* bilateral cooperation (divpusēja sadarbība)
* bilateral negotiation (divpusējas sarunas)
* bilateral trade (divpusēja tirdzniecība)
* bilateral discussions (divpusējas diskusijas)
[LV: divpusējs, abpusējs]
the act of working together with someone to achieve a common goal
[LV: sadarbība]
inspire (creativity)
make someone feel motivated and encouraged to do something creative or positive, to create or think in innovative ways
[LV: iedvesmot (radošumu)]
remotivate (staff)
encourage someone to regain their enthusiasm or interest in something;
restore enthusiasm and motivation in employees or a team
[LV: atkārtoti motivēt (darbiniekus)]
the level of confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation among a group of people, especially in a workplace
[LV: (komandas) gars, noskaņojums, morālais stāvoklis]
foster (team spirit)
encourage the development or growth of a positive attitude and collaboration within a team
[LV: veicināt, sekmēt, kopt, uzlabot (komandas garu)]
reduce (staff turnover)
make something smaller or less in size, amount, or importance;
decrease the rate at which employees leave an organization and are replaced by new hires
[LV: samazināt (darbinieku mainību)]
1) separate from someone or something else, and not fitting well together or understanding each other;
2) not connected to something such as a power source, a piece of equipment, or the internet
1) [LV: atsevišķs, atdalīts, atšķirts, noslēgts];
2) [LV: atslēgts, atvienots]
not arranged or managed clearly or logically; messy or chaotic
[LV: neorganizēts, haotisks]
lacking creativity or originality;
unable to come up with new ideas
[LV: bez iztēles]
not showing much interest or excitement about something
[LV: bez entuziasma, bez sajūsmas, neieinteresēts]
think carefully about something, especially when making a decision
[LV: apsvērt, apdomāt]
/kənˈtrɪb.juːt/ or /ˈkɒn.trɪ.bjuːt/
give something, like time, effort, or money, to help achieve a goal
[sniegt ieguldījumu]
the act of thinking deeply or carefully about something, often before taking action
[LV: pārdomas]
overlook (details)
fail to notice something, especially small or important details
[LV: nepamanīt (sīkumus, detaļas)]
tread on people’s toes
/trɛd ɒn ˈpiː.plz təʊz/
do or say something that upsets or offends others, often by interfering with their work or responsibilities
[LV: iejaukties citu darīšanās, aizskart kādu, kāpt uz varžacīm]