UNIT 8 Flashcards
Hazardous Waste
Any material that can be harmful to human health or the environment if it is not properly disposed of
Hazardous Waste contains…
Carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic compounds
of the country’s hazardous waste is not regulated by law
Resources Conservation and Recovery Act 1976 (RCRA)
Prohibited open burning in dumps, EPA must identify hazardous wastes and set standards for their management by states, firms that produce more than 220 lbs/mo. Must have permit stating how wastes will be managed, cradle to grave tracking from production to disposal of hazardous waste
Superfund 1980
Law passes to clean up abandoned toxic waste dumps
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
Industrial and commercial sites that have been abandoned and in most cases abandoned (Empty factories, junkyards, old landfills)
Ways to apprach hazardous waste
Produce less of it, reuse or reycle it, convert it to less-hazardous materials, safely store what is left
Forms of hazardous waste stored
Burial on land or long-term storage, deep-well disposal, surface impoundments, secure hazardous waste landfills
Deep well injection
drilling a hole in the ground that’s below the water table to hold waste
Deep well injection advantages
safe is sites are chosen carefully, wastes can often be retrieved, low cost
Deep well injection disadvantages
leaks from corrosion of well casing, emits CO2 and other air pollutants, output approach that encourages waste production
Surface impoundment
a pond that has a sealed bottom which stores waste, creation of shallow pools that evaporate hazardous liquids
Surface impoundment advantages
low cost, wastes can often be retrieved, can store wastes indefinitely with secure double liners
Surface impoundment disadvantages
water pollution from leaking liners and overflows, air pollution from VOCs, output approach that encourages waste production
the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms or other forms of life to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean up a polluted site.
A method employed to clean up a hazardous waste site that uses plants to absorb and accumulate toxic materials
a type of sugar made from corn starch to remove toxic materials such as solvents, pesticides, and hydrocarbons from contaminated soil and groundwater
Solutions to hazardous waste
not produce waste in the first place
Basel Convention
an international treaty on the control of transboundary hazardous wastes and their disposa
something can cause injury, disease, economic loss or environmental damage
Risk =
harm x exposure
Risk Management
using strategies to reduce the amount of risk (the degree of likelihood that a person will become ill upon exposure to a toxin or pathogen).
Types of Hazards
cultural, chemical, physical, biological
Cultural Hazard
drugs, drinking, unsafe sex, smoking, working conditions, and poverty
Chemical Hazard
harmful chemicals in our environment
Physical/Natural Disaster Hazard
radiation, fire, earthquakes
Biological Hazard
pathogens, pollen, animals, etc
study of poisonous substances and their effects upon body parts
a measure of how harmful a substance is
amount exposed to
the resulting type and amount of damage to health
Acute effect
immediate reaction (dizziness, rash, etc)
Chronic effect
permanent damage (liver or kidney damage)
increase in the concentration of a chemical in specific organs or tissues at a higher level than is normally expected
accumulation of pollutants at successive levels of the food chain; toxins are magnified as they pass through the food chain (DDT, PCB’s); are stored in body fat and affect during gestation or egg laying and during nursing stages
Chemical Interaction
involves the production of chemical growth inhibitors or toxins released by an individual
Antagonistic interaction
reduce the harmful reponse
Antagonistic interaction
reduce the harmful reponse
Synergistic interaction
multiplies harmful effects
a substance that causes illness, injury or death if taken into the body or produced within the body; a chemical with an LD50 of 50 mg or less/kg of body weight
Super toxic poisons
nerve gases, dioxin, mushrooms, botulism
Extremely toxic poisons
potassium cyanide, heroin, nicotine, atropine