Unit 7: Working Capital Management Flashcards
Net working capital
Current Assets - current liabilities
Working capital policy applies to —— term decisions, capital structure applies to ——- term decisions
Short ; long
Permanent working capital
The minimum level of current assets maintained by a firm.
Conservative working capital policy
Keeps a high amount of working capital. Current ratio will be high
Aggressive working capital policy
Increase profitability by accepting reduced liquidity. Low current ratio.
3 motives for holding cash
1) transactional
2) precautionary
3) speculative
Annual Benefit : Reducing the float time of cash receipts
(Daily cash receipts x Days of reduced float) x Opportunity cost of funds
Money market mutual funds invest in ____ term ____ risk securities
Short ; Low
________ are time deposits of U.S. dollars in banks located abroad
________ are a form of savings deposit that cannot be withdrawn before maturity without a high penalty.
_________ consists of unsecured, short-term notes issued by large companies that are very good credit risks.
Commercial Paper
_______ are drafts drawn by a nonfinancial firm on deposits at a bank.
Banker’s acceptances
__________ are a means for dealers in government securities to finance their portfolios. Firm’s purchase government securities temporarily (few days) from a dealer.
Repurchase agreements (repos)
T-Bill maturity & interest
1 year or less ; note is sold at discount and interest paid at maturity. no interest rate.
T-notes maturity & interest
1 - 10 years; interest every 6 months