Unit 7: Westward Expansion Flashcards
Manifest Destiny
“Obvious Future”; belief the US was a chosen nation and needed to spread their beliefs throughout North America.
territorial expansion
making a territory bigger
having power to do something
Monroe Doctrine
A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere; forbade Europe from colonizing further in the W. Hemisphere
Jacksonian democracy
movement for more rights for the common man
the right to vote
Supporters of Andrew Jackson’ included frontier farmers and factory workers
“kitchen cabinet”
a group of unofficial advisers to Andrew Jackson who met with him in the White House kitchen
spoils system
practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs
Indian Removal Act
law passed in 1830 that forced many Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi River
Trail of Tears
forced journey of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia to a region west of the Mississippi River during which thousands of Cherokees died
a group of places with common characteristics
an official count of population
Erie Canal
Artificial waterway opened in 1825 linking Lake Erie to the Hudson River
road built by a private company that charges a toll to use it
corduroy road
road made of logs
national road
first federally funded national road project; started in 1811
loyalty to the interests of one’s region of the country
American System
Program for economic growth promoted by Henry Clay in the early 1800s; called for high tariffs on imports and federal funds to improve transportation
McCulloch v. Maryland
A case in which the Supreme Court ruled that states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders
Gibbons v. Ogden
A case in which the Supreme Court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate interstate commerce
Adams-Onis Treaty
Treaty between Spain and the US in which Spain agreed to give Florida to the US in exchange for $5 million