Unit 7 - Treatment Flashcards
how should you treat people with mutant genes?
modify somatic genotype
- transplantation
- gene therapy
how should you treat people with mutant mRNA?
how should you treat people with mutant PRO?
protein replacement or enhancement of residual function
how should you treat people with metabolic or biochemical dysfunction?
disease specific compensation
how should you treat people with clinical phenotypes?
medical or surgical interventions
how should you treat families of people with genetic mutations?
genetic counseling, carrier screening, and prenatal testing
what does drug therapy usually do for genetic mutations?
usually just treats the symptoms, for entire life
what are surgical treatments?
- transplantation (heart, liver, etc.)
- repair (cleft lip/palate, aorta, bone fusion, etc.)
how are metabolic disorders treated?
- dietary modification/restriction
- replacement (add back PRO that is missing)
- diversion (use other pathways to avoid accumulation of metabolite, or redirect to breakdown substances to harmless compounds)
- inhibition (modifying rate of synthesis by using a drug or other agent that slows/blocks a critical step in pathway)
- depletion (removal of a substance in excess)
how is hereditary hemochromatosis treated?
accumulation of Fe in liver that is controlled by regular, life-long phlebotomies
methods of treatment at the protein level
- replacement (extracellular; if protein is absent, add it back)
- replacement (intracellular; must target specific cell type)
- enhancing genetic expression (use one gene to compensate for the mutation in another)
how is hemophilia A treated?
replacement of factor VIII
how is alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency treated?
replacement of alpha 1 antitrypsin
what are some problems with using extracellular protein replacement as a treatment?
- cost
- availability
- antibody production in patient
- contamination
how is Gaucher disease treated?
lysosomal storage disease with deficiency of glucocerebrosidase
-treat by replacing the enzyme