UNIT 7 - The Urinary System - SUFFIXES Flashcards
- al
pertaining to
- algia
condition of pain
- cele
swelling, protrusion, hernia
- clysis
infusion, injection
- dynia
condition of pain
- ectasis
dilation; dilatation; widening
- ectomy
surgical removal; excision; resection
- ferous
pertaining to carrying, bearing
- genesis
pertaining to the formation, produced by or in
- gram
tracing, xray, recording
- graphy
technique of making a tracing, xray, recording
- iasis
abnormal condition
- ic
pertaining to
- itis
- lapaxy
empty, wash out, evacuate
- lithiasis
abnormal condition of stones
- log(ist)
specialist who studies
- lysis
breakdown; separation; destruction; loosening
- meter
measuring instrument
- metry
process of measuring
- osis
abnormal condition
- ous
pertaining to
- pexy
surgical fixation; to put in place
- phyma
tumour, boil
- plasty
surgical repair
- ptosis
falling, displaced, prolapsed
- rrhage
bursting forth (of blood)
- rrhaphy
stitching, suturing
- sclerosis
abnormal condition of hardening
- scope
instrument for visual examination
- scopy
technique describing visual examination
- stomy
the formation of a new opening (to form a mouth)
- thermy
state of heat, process of heating
- tome
instrument used for cutting
- tomy
incision into
- tripsy
act of crushing
- triptor
instrument to crush (using shock waves)
- trite
instrument to crush
- uresis
excrete in urine