Unit 7: Sampling Distributions Flashcards
A number that describes a population, usually what you are looking for in a population. This number is usually unknown.
A number that describes the sample. Essentially the parameter that is found via the sample.
Sampling Variability
The idea that the value of a sample statistic varies in repeated random sampling.
Sampling Distribution
The distribution of values taken by the statistic in all possible samples of the same size from the same population.
Population Distribution
Gives the values of the variable for all the individuals in the population (Ex: Height of all 300 girls in a school).
Distribution of a Sample
Gives the values of the variable for all the individuals in an individual sample (Ex: Height of 20 random girls from the 300).
Sampling Distribution
Describes how a sample statistic varies in many samples from a population (Ex: How the average height of many random 20 girls varies between each sample).
Unbiased Estimator
A statistic used to estimate a parameter if the mean of its sampling distribution us equal to the true value of the parameter being estimated.
Are Unbiased Estimators Perfect?
No; it’s called unbiased because the estimates of repeated samples won’t consistently be too high or too low.
Variability of a Statistic
Described by the spread of its sampling distribution.
How to determine the Variability of a Statistic?
The size of the random sample.
Low Bias
The statistic being slightly off from the parameter but simultaneously staying close to it in value.
How do Sampling Distribution and Population Distribution affect Standard Deviation?
A larger Sampling Dist. would result in a smaller Standard Dev., while Population Dist. does not affect the Standard Dev. at all.
Distribution of Sample Data vs. Sampling Distribution
Dist. of Sample Data is the distribution of values from one sample, while Sampling Dist. is the distribution of values from many different samples.
What Determines the 10% Condition?
The population is at least 10 times larger than the sample size (n<= 0.1(n))