As the set of activities that fall on the human group of any organization
Recruitement, development and maintenance
The company needs people that are…
Talented, proactive, result oriented, collaborating, committed, willing to learn
People are looking for companies, that are…
Has interesting work and clear objectives
Give fair compensation
Have development opportunities
Provide training opportunities
Explain the 5 stages of the hiring process
- Previous stage
- Recruitment
- Selection
- Hiring
- Follow-up
Explain the 1st step of the hiring process
The first step is a previous stage, where basically candidates understand what is the job about and what requirements they need to get the job.
Job analysis determines the content of the jobs, and contains the requirements
A job description details the objectives of the position
Explain the 2nd step of the hiring process:
The 2nd step is the recruitment, where we first analyze the situation to get a clear view about the availability of the resources in the labour market.
Then we decide if we should hire from outside or train the internal candidates.
External candidates are good, because they have new perspectives and ideas, but also they are very expensive and it takes a long time training them.
Internal candidates are good because they already know how the company works and it’s cheap and fast training them, but on the other hand they do not have new ideas and maybe take the place from those candidates who would be more efficient or suitable for the job.
Explain the 3rd step of the hiring process!
In the pre-selection where candidates who met with the basic requirements for the position are identified through the analysis of the CV submitted.
The company identifies competencies via situational interviews, where interviewers can monitor the people skills, the organization workflow, so how can candidates work under pressure and conflict resolution, where they can see if the candidate is able to solve problems in different situations.
Explain the 4th step of the hiring process
Once the best candidates are chosen, the hiring phase begins. The final conditions agreed by both parties. This is the preparation of the contract.
Explain the 5th step of the hiring process
This phase is the follow up after signing the contract. The right candidates are provided with basic training on the company’s procedures and culture .
Salary and compensation factors: what is a salary band and what does the company use that for?
It shows the minimum and maximum level of compensation for a certain position.
What is the emotional salary concept?
When the company provides non-economic natures to motivate and improve the worker’s quality, such as satisfying the personal, family, professional needs of an employee. That’s how they try to create the work-life balance.
What is training good for?
Training is a systematic and business strategy which helps the employees to update their knowledges and improve the personal competency.
What is on-the job training?
Which takes place at the workplace held by a member of the company.
What is off-the-job training?
Which takes place anywhere but the workplace. This is a great opportunity to learn from others and improve the employees’ confidence.
What is a career plan?
Is an individualized development method, which implies promotions, which means taking on positions with greater responsibility.
How can a company evaluate the performance?
Performance appraisal tests are essential to obtain feedback on the work done, guide and motivate other actions and decide on new activities.
Objectives of the HR function: general and specific
General: to generate competitive advantage for the organization through its personnel.
Specific: attract the best talent, motivate and develop talent, improve the skills and quality of work-life balance.