Unit 7 Flashcards Memory
Memory def
Process of storing and remembering info and using it for future use
3 Steps for memory
1) encoding
2) storage
3) retrival
Encoding def
Info entering the memory system
Storage def
Record of info being created
Retrival def
Recovering info for usage
Storage decay def
Occurs when you stop usijg the info learned / gray memories
Parallel processing
Ability to deal w multiple stimuli simultaneously/ to encode lots of info
Sensory memory def
Short term (second) processed by the sensory organs
Two types of sensory memory and defs
1) iconic
Visual stimuli
2) echoic
Sound/auditory stimuli
Working term/ short term memory
Holding of mems when they do not enter storage
Long term memory
Easily used/ manipulated for own use
Explicit / declaritve
Use of effortful processing / conscious recollection of info does not not happen automatically
Two types of explicit
1) Eposodic
Conscious recollection of life experience
2) semantic
Declaritive facts / trivia fact
Implicit memory
Riding a bike and swimming / automatic (non declaritive memory)
measures of retrival
1) recall
No aid in memory
2) recogniton
Multi choice
Dividing large info into smaller units
Phone number
Techniques to assist w memory
Ex: rhyming, acronyms
Placing order/ ordering
Spacing effect
Memorizing through small reps over long non repeated sessions is more effective
Testing effect
Creation of self testing / self guiding
Used by people (especially teachers) to expose to stimulus to influence/ modify a response
State dependent memory def amd ex
Mem of past events improved when a person is in the same state when mem was formed
Ex: when crying think of sadder events which makes it worse
Mood congruent memory
Correlation between mood state and our emotional context of a memory
Serial position effect
Remember the beginning and end better
Ebbinghaus forgetting curve
100% retention at first and over time you loose the memory
Elizabeth loftue misinfo effect def and ex
Memories can be manipulated and misled based on the time and others
Ex: brain games and the 2 cars episode
Deja vu
Sensation you have experienced an event before
Amnesia def
Loss of a memory
4 types of amnesia
1) anterograde amnesia
After traumatic event
2) retrograde amnesia
Lose memories before
3) proactive interference
Old info blocks you from learning new info
4) retractive interference
New info interfere w prev learned info
PORN meaning
Proactive old info
Retrograde new