UNIT 7- Chapter 28: Progressivism Flashcards
Jacob A Riis wrote…
How The Other Half Lives
Henry Demarest Lloyd wrote…
Wealth Against Commonwealth
about trust and monopoly of standard oil co
Lincoln Steffens wrote…
The Shame of the Cities
about alliance btwn gov and business
David G Phillips wrote…
The Treason of the Senate
about senate as richmans club
Stannard Baker wrote…
Following the Color Line
about child labor
John Spargo wrote…
The Bitter Cry of Children
about child labor
Define recall
Voters can remove faithless elected officials esp ones bribes by bosses or lobbyists
Define referendum
Allows voters to place a bill on the ballot for final approval even after passed by legislation
Define Australian secret ballot
Allowed voters to privately mark their ballot choices, limiting boss power on vote
Direct democracy voting for the senate was what amendment
Robert La Follette
Governor of Wisconsin, “fighting bob” took power from monopolies on lumber and RR and gave it to the people, militant progressive republican
Florence Kelly
First chief factory inspector in IL. Founded National Consumers League: pushed females to pressure for laws safeguarding women and children in workplace
Hiram Johnson
Republican governor of CA, prosecuted of grafters, broke grip of South Pacific RR company on CA politics
Gifford Pinchot
Conservationist, head of fed division of forestry, chief forester, use resources and replenish, reclaim western land, build dam, irrigation project, build parks, “multiple use resource management”
John Muir
Preservationist, preserve wilderness, against dam,
Muller (v) Ogden
Attorney Louis D Brandeis persuaded court to accept constitutionality of laws protecting women workers by presenting evidence of harmful factory effects on women’s bodies. Different standard for women than men
Lochner (v) New York
Invalidated state laws that said 10 hr work day for bakers. “Right to free contract” implicit in the due process clause of the 14th amendment
Elkins Act
Impose penalties on RRs that offered rebates and costumers who accepted them. Strengthened ICC
Important food acts
Meat Packaging Act 1906
Pure Food and Drug Act (true labels)
Hetch Hetchy Valley
Congress allowed for dam to be built here by San Fran in Yosemite nat park
Dollar Diplomacy
Pres Taft. U.S. should invest money into foreign affairs
When was Dollar Diplomacy applied
Chinese RR Manchuria, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua
Payne-Aldrich Bill
Initially to lower tariff but revised to point where retained high rates on most imports. Taft challenges progressive wing declaring it “best bill repubs passed”
Ida A Tarbell wrote…
History of the Standard Oil Company
Who founded the child labor committee?
Lewis Hine