Unit 7 Chapter 10 2-3-4 Trees Code Flashcards



class DataItem
   public long dData;          // one data item
   public DataItem(long dd)    // constructor
      { dData = dd; }
   public void displayItem()   // display item, format "/27"
      { System.out.print("/"+dData); }
   }  // end class DataItem
class Node
   private static final int ORDER = 4;
   private int numItems;
   private Node parent;
   private Node childArray[] = new Node[ORDER];
   private DataItem itemArray[] = new DataItem[ORDER-1];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   // connect child to this node
   public void connectChild(int childNum, Node child)
      childArray[childNum] = child;
      if(child != null)
         child.parent = this;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   // disconnect child from this node, return it
   public Node disconnectChild(int childNum)
      Node tempNode = childArray[childNum];
      childArray[childNum] = null;
      return tempNode;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Node getChild(int childNum)
      { return childArray[childNum]; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Node getParent()
      { return parent; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public boolean isLeaf()
      { return (childArray[0]==null) ? true : false; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public int getNumItems()
     { return numItems; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public DataItem getItem(int index)   // get DataItem at index
      { return itemArray[index]; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public boolean isFull()
      { return (numItems==ORDER-1) ? true : false; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public int findItem(long key)       // return index of
      {                                    // item (within node)
      for(int j=0; j=0; j--)        // start on right,
         {                                 //    examine items
         if(itemArray[j] == null) {
            }                      // go left one cell
         else                              // not null,
            {                              // get its key
            long itsKey = itemArray[j].dData;
            if(newKey < itsKey) {
                    itemArray[j+1] = itemArray[j];
                } // shift it right
               itemArray[j+1] = newItem;   // insert new item
               return j+1;                 // return index to
               }                           //    new item
            }  // end else (not null)
         }  // end for                     // shifted all items,
      itemArray[0] = newItem;              // insert new item
      return 0;
      }  // end insertItem()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public DataItem removeItem()        // remove largest item
      // assumes node not empty
      DataItem temp = itemArray[numItems-1];  // save item
      itemArray[numItems-1] = null;           // disconnect it
      numItems--;                             // one less item
      return temp;                            // return item
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayNode()           // format "/24/56/74/"
      for(int j=0; j< theNode.getItem(j).dData ) {
                return theNode.getChild(j);
            }  // return left child
         }  // end for                   // we're greater, so
      return theNode.getChild(j);        // return right child
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayTree()
      recDisplayTree(root, 0, 0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   private void recDisplayTree(Node thisNode, int level,
                                              int childNumber)
      System.out.print("level="+level+" child="+childNumber+" ");
      thisNode.displayNode();               // display this node
      // call ourselves for each child of this node
      int numItems = thisNode.getNumItems();
      for(int j=0; j);
            }  // end switch
         }  // end while
      }  // end main()
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
   }  // end class Tree234App
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import java.io.*;
class DataItem
   {                                 // (could have more items)
   private int iData;                // data item (key)
   public DataItem(int ii)           // constructor
      { iData = ii; }
   public int getKey()
      { return iData; }
   }  // end class DataItem
class HashTable
   private DataItem[] hashArray;     // array is the hash table
   private int arraySize;
   private DataItem nonItem;         // for deleted items
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   HashTable(int size)               // constructor
      arraySize = size;
      hashArray = new DataItem[arraySize];
      nonItem = new DataItem(-1);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayTable()
      System.out.print("Table: ");
      for(int j=0; j);
            }  // end switch
         }  // end while
      }  // end main()
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
   }  // end class HashDoubleApp
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import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
class Link
   {                                   // (could be other items)
   private int iData;                  // data item
   public Link next;                   // next link in list
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link(int it)                 // constructor
      { iData= it; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public int getKey()
      { return iData; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayLink()           // display this link
      { System.out.print(iData + " "); }
   }  // end class Link
class SortedList
   private Link first;               // ref to first list item
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void SortedList()          // constructor
      { first = null; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void insert(Link theLink)  // insert link, in order
      int key = theLink.getKey();
      Link previous = null;          // start at first
      Link current = first;
                                     // until end of list,
      while( current != null && key > current.getKey() )
         {                           // or current > key,
         previous = current;
         current = current.next;     // go to next item
      if(previous==null)             // if beginning of list,
         first = theLink;            //    first --> new link
      else                           // not at beginning,
         previous.next = theLink;    //    prev --> new link
      theLink.next = current;        // new link --> current
      }  // end insert()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void delete(int key)       // delete link
      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)
      Link previous = null;          // start at first
      Link current = first;
                                     // until end of list,
      while( current != null && key != current.getKey() )
         {                           // or key == current,
         previous = current;
         current = current.next;     // go to next link
                                     // disconnect link
      if(previous==null)             //   if beginning of list
         first = first.next;         //      delete first link
      else                           //   not at beginning
         previous.next = current.next; //    delete current link
      }  // end delete()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link find(int key)         // find link
      Link current = first;          // start at first
                                     // until end of list,
      while(current != null &&  current.getKey() );
            }  // end switch
         }  // end while
      }  // end main()
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
   }  // end class HashChainApp
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import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
class DataItem
   {                                // (could have more data)
   private int iData;               // data item (key)
   public DataItem(int ii)          // constructor
      { iData = ii; }
   public int getKey()
      { return iData; }
   }  // end class DataItem
class HashTable
   private DataItem[] hashArray;    // array holds hash table
   private int arraySize;
   private DataItem nonItem;        // for deleted items
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public HashTable(int size)       // constructor
      arraySize = size;
      hashArray = new DataItem[arraySize];
      nonItem = new DataItem(-1);   // deleted item key is -1
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayTable()
      System.out.print("Table: ");
      for(int j=0; j);
            }  // end switch
         }  // end while
      }  // end main()
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
   }  // end class HashTableApp
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