Unit 7 Aspects of Costs and Enforcement Flashcards
Non- party costs
Part 46.
Court has a discretionary power to make an order that a non- party meets the costs.
Court would have to be satisfied that the non- party was the real party interested in the litigation or that they were responsible for bringing the proceedings e.g. third party funders.
Third party must be added as a party to the proceedings and may attend the hearing when the court determines the issue of costs.
Security for costs - the order
D worried C cannot or will not pay costs if defeated.
The court has the discretionary power to make an order for security for costs if:
(a) it is satisfied, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, it is just to make such an order; and
(b) one or more of the conditions in Part 25 applies.
Security for costs - the conditions
Most common:
- Claimant resident outside a 2005 Hague Convention State
- Claimant is an impecunious company (unable to pay)
- Claimant has taken steps to make enforcement difficult (relocating, failure to disclose assets)
Security for costs - justness
(a) The strength of the claim and the defence: the less likely D is to win at trial, the less justified they are in seeking security.
(b) The claimant’s ability to provide security: no point if no ability
(c) The causes of the claimant’s impecuniosity: contributed to by the defendant’s behaviour.
(d) Property within the jurisdiction: need sufficient assets in reach
(e) The timing of the application: the order should be applied for as soon as practicable.
Security for costs - procedure
D should write to the claimant first and ask for security to be provided voluntarily.
If not, D should submit a notice of application to the court with a witness statement in support.
If the order is granted, it will specify the amount of the security, the date by which the claimant must provide it and the form it will take. Most commonly, the claimant is required to make a payment into court.
Offers to settle and costs
Encouraged to negotiate to settle before and throughout.
If reached prior - the prospective claimant will not be entitled to recover their legal costs unless this has been agreed.
If reach after commenced - the terms should be recorded in a consent order or a Tomlin order to ensure that enforcement proceedings may be issued to recover any monies due under the agreement, including costs.
Part 36 offers - form and content
(a) be in writing;
(b) make clear it is made pursuant to Part 36;
(c) specify a period of not less than 21 days during which, if the offer is accepted, the defendant will pay the claimant’s costs (known as ‘the relevant period’); and
(d) state whether it relates to the whole of the claim or to part of it, and whether it takes into account any counterclaim.
Offer is made when it is deemed served.
Judge not aware of the offer until issue of costs after case decided.
Part 36 offers - acceptance
May be accepted at any time unless notice has been given of its withdrawal.
- Within relevant period
Sum must be paid within 14 days and, if not, can enter judgment.
Also entitled to their costs of the proceedings up to acceptance.
If cannot agree, judge assesses costs on standard basis. - Late acceptance
Court will normally order that:
(a) D pays the C’s costs up to the date on which the relevant period expired; and
(b) the C pays the D’s costs thereafter until the date of acceptance.
However, if the D accepts the C’s offer late, the D will usually be ordered to pay the claimant’s costs of the proceedings up to the date of acceptance.
Part 36 offers - non -acceptance
Order made in most cases. Exception not to.
It may be unjust where the offeror has not provided sufficient disclosure to allow the offeree to make an informed decision; or, for example, the Part 36 offer expired only days before the trial and crucial allegations that had not been pleaded were raised in the opening of the case.
Part 36 offers - C offers - claimant wins at trial and equals or beats their own offer
D pays damages and additional amount:
(a) For damages of up to £500,000, the defendant must pay an additional amount of 10% of the sum awarded.
(b) For damages in excess of £500,000 and up to £1 million, 10% of the first £500,000 is payable and thereafter, 5% up to a maximum of £75,000.
Up to day 21:
- interest on damages
- costs on standard basis
From day 22 (after relevant 21 day period) to judgement:
- interest on damages and interests on costs, max of 10% above base rate
- 35% uplift on Cs fixed recoverable costs (for fast and intermediate track)/indemnity costs for multi-track
Part 36 offers - C offers - claimant wins at trial but does not beat their own offer
Part 36 has no effect - no extra penalty is imposed on either party.
Part 36 offers - C offers - C loses at trial
Claimant will not be awarded damages at all and will be ordered to pay the defendant’s costs on a standard basis in the usual way.
Part 36 has no effect.
Part 36 - D offers - claimant wins at trial and beats the defendant’s Part 36 offer
Defendant will be ordered to pay:
* the amount of the judgment plus interest as claimed in the particulars of claim; and
* the claimant’s costs on the standard basis.
Part 36 has no effect.
Part 36 - D offers - claimant wins at trial but fails to beat the defendant’s Part 36 offer
(a) the defendant pays the claimant’s fixed costs (for fast and intermediate track)/costs in standard basis for multi-track, from when those costs were incurred until the relevant period expired (Day 21);
(b) thereafter, the claimant pays the defendant’s fixed costs (in fast and intermediate track)/or standard basis for multi-track, from the date of the expiry of the relevant period (Day 22) until judgment; plus
(c) interest on those costs (a commercial rate of 1% or 2% above base rate has generally been adopted).
Part 36 - D offers - claimant loses at trial
General rule as to costs would apply and the claimant, as the losing party, would be ordered to pay the winner’s (the defendant’s) costs.
However, to penalise the claimant for not accepting the defendant’s Part 36 offer, they would also be ordered to pay interest on those costs from Day 22 until judgment – usually at 1% or 2% above base rate.