Unit 7 Flashcards
Remember however, that refrigerating and freezing will not kill all microorganisms. They may not grow or multiply at those temperatures, but they also may not ____.
Unlike germs and viruses, ____ are the only organisms that can be killed by freezing. But to kill ____, food must be frozen to a cold enough temperature and kept there for long enough time.
When refrigerating or freezing food items:
· Foods should be stored below ___⁰F.
Most refrigerators will be set between ___⁰ and ___⁰F in order to keep foods at the correct temperature.
If you receive cold foods from your suppliers, place these foods in your refrigerator or freezer immediately after inspection. DO NOT let cold foods sit at room ____
All prepared foods should be properly covered and labeled before storing. The storage container should be designed specifically for food ____.
The container should be labeled with
o the common name of the food item
o its preparation date, and
o The discard date.
Any prepared ready-to-eat foods can only be stored for a maximum of ___ days below the 41⁰F temperature threshold. These foods must be discarded after that time period.
To reduce the risk of cross-contamination, you should store ready-to-eat foods separately from raw foods. If this is not possible in your establishment, you should store any ready-to-eat foods ___ any raw foods. This will prevent any leakage from the raw foods from dripping onto the ready-to-eat foods.
Raw poultry should be stored on the ___, next is ___ or ___ , followed by whole cuts of ___ or ___.
Seafood should be stored on the ___ section of the raw food storage area.
Foods are stored this way because the ___ the cooking temperature, the ___ the level in storage. This method assures that microorganisms are killed during the cooking process.
Ground meat or ground fish
Beef or pork
Air circulation in the refrigerator or freezer is very important. For proper circulation:
o do not overload the unit with food items
o do not line the shelves with paper or foil, and
o leave at least ___” of space between the floor and any shelving.
o leave at least ___” of space open from the ceiling.
o All of these will allow air to circulate better in the unit.
The area closest to the door of the unit will be the ____. If you only have one refrigeration unit, you should store produce near this ___ area and store meats, fish and poultry in the ___ section of the unit. (Away from the door)
Because of this, the thermometer used to check the temperature of a cold storage unit should be placed in the ____ part of unit. This will protect the food items that are closest to that warm area.
You should ___ freezer units regularly. This will create better performance and help prevent temperature fluctuations.
Some food items in your establishment are not TCS foods and do not require cooling below 41⁰F. These items generally include ___ goods (rice, pasta, flour, etc.), as well as, ___ goods (soup, tomatoes, canned beans, etc).
Store dry foods such as flour, pasta, salt, sugar and other grain products in air-tight containers at least ___ inches off of the ground.
If possible, the temperature of the storage area for ___ and ___ goods should be between 54⁰F and 69⁰F .
High ___ in the storage area can cause food to go
stale and may cause cans to rust.
If any cans or containers are damaged, dented or swollen, ___ them away immediately.
Remove any dirt or debris from cans to prevent food ____ when opening the can.
Dry and canned foods should ___ be stored in the same area as non-food items such as linens, cleaning chemicals, and single-use items
On the top shelf, you should store any ____ or disposable items such as single-use gloves.
Next, store ___ food items that are appropriately covered and sealed.
On the third shelf you should store any ____ goods.
Finally, store any chemicals on the bottom shelf.
This type of dry good storage layout will help prevent contamination of the single-use or dry food items.
Eggs should be received from your supplier at a temperature of ___°F (7°C) or cooler and must be placed in cold storage immediately.
The storage area must keep the eggs at ___°F (7°C) or
· Eggs must be used within a few weeks of receipt. Make sure to use the older inventory first, in a FIFO method.
· Products made from eggs that are frozen, must remain frozen until ready for use.
· When using eggs during preparation, only remove from the refrigerator the inventory necessary for immediate use.
Dairy products will have specific use-by dates on their packaging. Discard any dairy products in inventory that are older than their ___ date.
Dairy products should be kept at ___°F (5°C) or lower at all times during storage.
Fish should be stored so that its internal temperature is at ___°F (5°C) or lower.
Fish should be stored in its original packaging, or in suitable moisture-proof wrapping.
If the fish is frozen, it must stay frozen until ready for preparation and use.
Shellstock will be delivered in containers labeled with identification tags. These tags must be kept on file for ___ days AFTER the last portion of shellfish is removed from the original container.
Shellstock should be kept at a temperature of ___°F (7°C) or cooler.
· Display tanks can be used to store shellstock in certain instances:
o if served to customers, a variance must be granted by the local jurisdiction if the establishment meets certain requirements, or
o a sign must be posted on the display tank that the shellstock is “for display only.”
Poultry that is received fresh and raw should be stored at an internal temperature of ___°F (5°C) or cooler.
· If poultry is received frozen, it should remain completely frozen until it is ready for preparation.
· If raw poultry is removed from its packaging and separated, it should be kept in an air-tight container or covering when cold-stored.
· If stored on a shelf system, poultry should be stored below any other raw meats or fish since it requires a ___ cooking temperature to make safe for consumption.
Meats should be stored at ___°F (5°C) or cooler.
· If meats are removed from their packaging, they should be it should be kept in an air-tight container or covering when cold-stored.
· Quarters and sides of meat can be hung on hooks provided the hooks are cleaned and sanitized.
· Ground meats should be stored below intact meats or steaks since they require a ___ cooking temperature for safe consumption
Produce should not be washed prior to storage. Wash produce ___ to preparation.
Any produce that is considered TCS (such as sliced tomatoes and melons) must be stored at ___°F (5°C) or cooler to prevent contamination.
Some types of produce can be stored below ___°F (21°C). These include eggplants, potatoes, and un-cut citrus fruits.
Reduced-Oxygen Packaging Foods (Vacuum Packaged Foods)
· Temperature is an important part of storing ROP foods. Reduced-oxygen packaged (ROP)foods should be stored
at ___°F (5°C) or cooler unless directed otherwise by the manufacturer.
· These foods will have expiration dates and storage temperature labels that must be followed closely to prevent contamination.
These foods can be subject to the growth of clostridium botulinum. These bacteria can cause botulism, a common foorborne illness. You should carefully check the packaging of any ROP food to ensure the contents are safe.