Unit 7 Flashcards
Active range of motion
Range of motion exercises completed be the resident without assistance
Movement away from body
Adaptive equipment
Items such as eating utensils which are altered to make them easier to use by the residents with functional limitations
Movement towards the body
To walk or assist the resident to walk
Decrease in size and strength (also referred to as wasting)
Body alignment
Correct position of the body for good posture
Shortening or contractions of a muscle (may be due to spasms or paralysis)
Physical activity or series of specific body movements designed to strengthen the body or parts of the body
To straighten
External rotation
To rotate the joint away or outward
To Bend
Fowlers position
Body position alignments of resident sitting in bed with the head of the bed elevated to 60-90 degrees
Internal rotation
To rotate the joint inward
Loss of ability to move a part or all of the body
Paralysis of the lower part of the body
Turning motion
Progressive mobilization
Process that builds on activity steps which increase the residents abilities
Paralysis of the 4 limbs
Range of motion
Moving body joints through their normal motion
Restorative care
Nursing care that is planned to promote residents health and regain as much of their independence as possible
Move from one surface to another
Paralysis of one side of the body
Passive range of motion
Exercises for residents who are paralyzed or unable to move their own joints freely
Turning motion
Progressive mobilization
Process that builds on activity steps which increase the residents abilities
Paralysis of the 4 limbs
Range of motion
Moving body joints through their normal motion
A process in which the resident is assisted in reaching their highest level if ability physically, mentally and emotionally
Semi-fowlers position
Body position alignment of residents sitting in bed wit the head if the bed elevated to 30-45 degrees
Side lying position
Body alignment position if residents lying on their side in bed
Supine position
Body alignment position of a resident lying on their back
Therapeutic tubing
Hollow cylinders, which carries liquids or gases into or out of the body (catheters)