Unit 7 Flashcards
What causes corneal warpage?
Poor fit
-Excessive movement
– eccentric location.
– localized heavy bearing
Long-term PMMA wearer
What are symptoms of corneal warpage?
Blurry vision even with glasses
-Still experiences blurry vision, even when the lenses are removed
How to treat corneal warpage?
with new material, maybe he needs a toric of some sort. Otherwise just refit like normal once cornea is back to normal after about a month.
What is GP lens warpage?
-GP lens gets twisted or bent out of shape.
– creates permanently induced toricity within the lens
What are causes for a lens warpage?
-Storing a lens in a hot environment like a car.
– aggressive rubbing while cleaning
What is lens flexure?
The bending of a GP lens while on the eye
What causes lens flexure?
-Corneal astigmatism, greater than 1.50
-Steep lens
-Centre of lens is too thin
How to fix lens flexure
-Flatten the lens.
– increase thickness.
– fit a back surface toric, or bitoric lens
How can we tell if it’s lens warpage, or flexure?
In addition to all other measures, the radiuscope will show toricity