unit 7 Flashcards
What is the development life cycle?
A series of steps that are followed to produce a system.
What are the 4 different stages of the programming development cycle?
analysis- abstraction, decomposition of the problem, identification of the problem and requirements.
design- decomposition, structure diagrams, flowcharts and pseudocode.
coding- writing program code and iterative testing
testing- testing program code with use of test data.
splitting problems into subproblems
what are the components parts formed after decimposution of a problem?
what are the methods to construct a solution to the problem?
-structure diagrams, a hierarchal diagram that shows the decomposition of a system.
- flowcharts, a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm.
pseudocode- code-like statements that are used to design an algorithm but do not follow any specific language.
range check
a type of validation that makes sure data is between the minimum and the maximum.
length check
A type of validation that checks the number of characters is within a set a limit.
Type check
A type of validation that checks data is the correct data type.
presence check
A type of validation that makes sure data has been entered.
Format check
A type of validation that makes sure the data meets a specific order.
check digit
- a type of error detection method that is used for data entry.
- A calculation is performed on the data entered to create a value.
-Check digit values are compared to see if the data entered is correct.
the checking of data to make sure it is reasonable and within set bounds.
Checking that data is entered accurately, that is the same as the original.
visual check
comparing data entered with the original side-by-side.
double entry check
two different people enter the same data which are then compared
test data
the input data that is used to test a system
normal test data
data that a program should accept
abnormal test data
data that a program should not accept
extreme test data
data that is on the edge of what is allowed.
boundary test data
data that is on the edge of being accepted and being rejected.
truce table
a structure to complete when waking through an algorithm manually, where the value that change are written in each row.
a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm.