Unit 7 Flashcards
Celebrō, Celebrāre, Celebrāvi, Celebrātus
Concelebrō, Concelebrāre, Concelebrāvi, Concelebrātus
Celebrate together
Firmō, Firmāre, Firmāvī, Firmātus
Strengthen, make steady
Affirmō, Affirmāre, Affirmāvī, Affirmātus
Prove, assert
Confirmō, Confirmāre, Cōnfirmāvī, Cōnfirmātus
Strengthen, uphold
Sānō, Sānāre, Sānāvī, Sānātus
Dīcō, Dīcere, Dīxī, Dictus
Say, tell (passive: be called)
Benedīco, Benedīcere, Benedīxī, Benedictus
Speak well (of), bless
Maledīco, Maledīcere, Maledīxī, Maledictus
Speak evil (of), curse
Maestrus, -a, -um
Nazarēnus, -a, -um
Of Nazareth, Nazarene, Nazorean
Plēnus, -a, -um
Full (of)
Prīmus, -a, -um
In prīmīs
At first, in the first place
Ūniversus, -a, -um
All, the whole
Anima, Animae
Soul, life, f.
Laetitia, Laetitiae
Gladness, joy, f.
Lītūrgia, Lītūrgiae
(Divine) service, liturgy, f.
Misericordia, Misericordiae
Mercy, kindness, pity, f.
Turba, Turbae
Crowd, multitude, f.
Misericordia, Misericordiae
Mercy, kindness, pity, f.
Turba, Turbae
Crowd, multitude, f.
Victōria, Victōriae
Victory, f.
Diāconus, Diāconī
Deacon, m.
Respōnsum, Respōnsī
Answer, response, n.
Vōtum, Vōtī
Vow, prayer, n.
Cārus, -a, -um
Dear, beloved
Dīgnus, -a, -um
Worthy (of)
Indīgnus, -a, -um
Unworthy (of)
Firmus, -a, -um
Steadfast, firm
Īnfirmus, -a, -um
Weak, sick
Ūnus, -a, -um
One; a, an
Together (adv)
Ā (ab, abs)
By, (the agency of)
Jēsūs, Jēsū, Jēsūm
Jesus, Joshua, m.
Badly, poorly
Male Habēre
Be sick
On account of, because of (prep)