unit 7 Flashcards
how and why did the Ottoman Empire collapse
The Ottoman Empire disintegrated and was partitioned after its defeat in World War I. They sided with Germany in WW1 which was a main cause The empire had already been in decline for centuries, struggling to maintain a bloated bureaucracy or a centralized administrative structure after various attempts at reform.
Mexican revolution goal
The initial goal of the Mexican Revolution was simply the overthrow of the Díaz dictatorship, but that relatively simple political movement broadened into a major economic and social upheaval that presaged the fundamental character of Mexico’s 20th-century experience
Mexican revolution causes
The economic policies of Porfirio Díaz, unequal distribution of land, deeply entrenched economic inequality, and undemocratic institutions were the major causes of the revolution.
mexican revolution effects
The Mexican Revolution sparked the Constitution of 1917 which provided for separation of Church and state, government ownership of the subsoil, holding of land by communal groups, the right of labor to organize and strike and many other aspirations.
Russian revolution causes
Primary causes of the Russian Revolution included widespread corruption and inefficiency within the czarist imperial government, growing dissatisfaction among peasants, workers, and soldiers, the monarchy’s level of control over the Russian Orthodox Church, and the disintegration of the Imperial Russian Army during World War I.
Russian revolution effects
After many years of violence and political unrest, the Russian Revolution paved the way for the rise of communism as an influential political belief system around the world. It set the stage for the rise of the Soviet Union as a world power that would go head-to-head with the United States during the Cold War
Russian revolution goal
The goals of the Russian Revolution were to take the power out of the hands of the aristocracy, but the outcome was a government just as oppressive as the previous regime. By 1917, Russia had suffered under centuries of oppression.
causes of WW1
militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism. the immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.
the five year plan (Stalins)
In the Soviet Union the first Five-Year Plan (1928–32), implemented by Joseph Stalin, concentrated on developing heavy industry and collectivizing agriculture, at the cost of a drastic fall in consumer goods.
why was the 5 year plan created
The first five year plan was created in order to initiate rapid and large-scale industrialization across the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
how did social darwinism play a role in international politics
Social Darwinism indirectly contributed to German militarism and World War I.
how does the Great Depression contribute to authoritarianism
economic instability led to political instability in many parts of the world. Political chaos, in turn, gave rise to dictatorial regimes such as Adolf Hitler’s in Germany and the military’s in Japan. (Totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union and Italy predated the depression.)
how did great Britain use its colonies to further its objective
These colonies would provide England with valuable materials, like metals, sugar and tobacco, which they could also sell to other countries. The colonies also offered money-making opportunities for wealthy Englishmen and provided England’s poor and unemployed with new places to live and new jobs.
internal and external threats to the Qing dynasty
the Qing government was challenged by several threats and problems: economic pressures, corruption in the government and bureaucracy, domestic rebellions, foreign imperialism and wars. The high living standards of the previous century contributed to a sharp increase in population
internal and external threats to the Ottoman Empire
the Russian empire was a huge external threat and so was Poland and Austria and Persia. the Ottoman Empire has internal problems such as rebellions, corruption, financial weakness and military defeat which surrounded its development.
what new military technology used in WW1 led to increased levels of wartime casualities
poison gas, machine guns, submarines, airplanes, tanks
describe the factors that led to the collapse of the ottoman empire
the Ottoman Empire disintegrated and was partitioned after its defeat in WW1 they sided with Germany in WW1 which was the ultimate reason. they had been in decline for centuries struggling to maintain a bloated bureaucracy or centralized administrative structure after various attempts at reform
what led to the collapse of the Qing dyansty
in the early 1800s the Qing dynasty there was a huge population growth. but with that there wasn’t enough farmland or jobs to support everyone which led to people in poverty wanting to rebel. and also with foreign invasions the Qing collapsed
whaat led to the collapse of the Russian empire
Russia wasn’t promoting industrialization or economic growth like other countries which set them behind those other countries. they also were slow at expanding on things like building roads for transportation. the tsar also mistreated the people which caused revolts because the people were mad about the rationalizing things like kerosine which led to more revolts. also the Russian lacked a good economic base to support their military
what were some of the outcomes of the Bolshevik Revolution?
after the bolshevik seized they set up a communist government with Lenin at the head. eventually this led to Stalin taking over
how did the economic crises of the Great Depression contribute to the rise of totalitarian governments
because of the Great Depression nations were looking for strong leaders to help rebuild and keep them alive which led to more dictators
describe the goals of Stalins 5 year plan
the five year plan was put in place to turn the mostly agricultural nation of Russia into an industrial one. he felt that Russia was behind the west regarding industrialization.
what were the outcomes of Stalins 5 year plans
in order to collectivize agriculturally Stalin took land from private land owners and Gabe it to collectives to manage. this caused extreme poverty in some areas and famine became widespread. this also caused fear to spread throughout russia
what are 2 examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900
the new deal and Stalins 5 year plan
how did the Mexican revolution challenge the existing political and social order in Mexico
the median revolution adopted a new constitution with goals to redistribute land, give universal suffrage, and public education opportunities. overall Diaz and Zapata opposed current land reforms and had strong armed policies which accommodated foreign powers
what are some external factors that led to the change in states after the 1900s
WW! played a big role in how states adapted. the creation of communism shaped society and caused the need to change. industrialization in places like uripe and them being ahead in the advancements pressured other nations and sometimes in states like china it caused them to fall behind
what are some internal factors that led to change in the states after 1900
ethnic tension caused turmoil places like china because there was internal conflicts between the Han and Qing also famine and failure to rapidly produce goods/industrialize
what role did militarism play in causing WW1
great Britain and Germany expanded their military influence. Germany and Russias militaries began to have greater influence on public policy. also navy influence grew in many
what role did alliances play in WW1
alliances toward Serbia and Austria and Hungary led to the picking of sides during the war. example Britain and France were quick to ally with Russia after they announced their support towards serbia
what role did nationalism play in causing WW1
nationalism caused more intense self determination and pride for fighting for either Serbia or Austria-Hungary. ones pride for their nations identity became pronounced as nationalist ideas began to spread
what role did balkan nationalism play in causing WW1
balkan nationalism led to the outbreak of war overall the clash between Serbian nationalists protesting over Austria control led to the killing of archduke frand ferdinand which was the catalyst of WW1
what role did imperialism play in causing WW1
the desire for global domination through expansion led countries into the First World War. imperialism drove countries to conquer more land to eventually take entire countries.
what were the effects of the Great Depression outside the US?
it led to political instability in many different countries. and also dictatorships formed. and it blocked international trade. unemployment rates rose everywhere
how did FDRs new deal attempt to intervene in the US economy
the first attempt at the new deal attempted to try and make more jobs and also attempted to get companies to raise minimum wage. the second new deal gave workers the ability to fight for higher wages
what were the effects of the Great Depression in the USA
the USA became more liberal the unemployment rate hit its peak. close to a 3rd of the banks closed. it also decreased the production of factories
how did the US emerge from the GD?
the new deal greatly benefited the US. the start of WW11 also helped. they were able to sell weapons to earn money
what caused the GD?
due to countries being in debt they printed more money causing inflation. this led to higher prices and an eventual crash of the stock market
what were the terms of the versallies peace treaty
germany was excluded from the League of Nations, middle eastern land under the Ottoman Empire became British land and French land, Germany was very military limited and were forced to accept the blame of the war, Germany had to pay reparations to the other countries
how did these terms create political and economic tensions in the 1920s&30s?
Germany felt that they had been wrongfully blamed. their economy suffered because of this and in times of economic crisis people turned to radical political ideas.
what are the League of Nations mandates?
a legal status for certain territories transferred from the control of one country to another after WW1
what was japans vision for a greater east Asia co prosperity sphere and how would this lead to tension causing WW11?
it was the idea that all of east Asia should be united power and Japan felt it was their duty to carry this out but it failed because it seemed that Japan was basically being imperialists
give examples of changes in territorial holdings from 1900s to the present
western and Japanese imperial states gained more territories through conquest and treaty settlement
give examples of continuities in territorial holdings from 1900 to the present
western and japans imperial states mostly stayed in control of their colonial holdings
what role did the asasinnation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary play in causing WW1
this assissination was the final trigger of the upcoming tensions between Serbia and Hungary this immediate event created just enough confidence for Hungary to send an ultimatum
how were government methods to wage war during WW11 similar
they used a variety of strategies including political propaganda, art, media, and intensified forms of nationalisms they also killed civilians
what new military technology tactics were used during WW11 that led to increased levels of wartime casualities
large bombins, mass starvation, tench warfare, deadly policies that targeted specific minority groups
how did the US mobilize war under FDR
the US industry operated without threat of military attack. they ramped up production of the resources required for war, including ships, tanks, plans, landing craft, radar equipment, guns, and ammo. with the enlistment of large numbers of men in the army women found more opportunities to work in factorires
how did democratic government method of waging differ from methods ulitiled by totalitarian states
totalitarian governments like Russia were not concerned with the safety of their citizens. democratic governments like the US placed a higher emphasis on citizen safety and freedom
describe the causes of the Armenian genocide during WW1
the Armenian genocide was caused by the ottoman empires leaders becoming upset at the decline in the ottoman power. the “young turks” also tried to say the minority group of christian Armenians were cooperating with the Russian army and in turn used it to validate the slaughter of them
describe the causes of the holocaust
antisemitism, nazism, and economic unrest with scapegoating.
describe the causes of WW1
economic instability in Europe, the rise of the racist party in Italy, and the treaty of versailles left Germany with a disadvantage which took away some resources from Germany
how did imperialist aspirations of Japan lead to WW11
Japan invaded Manchuria and created Manchukuo where an incident between Japanese and Chinese troops led to a full scale invasion of china by japan
how did imperialist aspirations of fascist nazi Germany lead to WW11
germany and hitler wanted more land so they broke the treaty of versailles by invading Europe
describe the aggressive militarism of nazi Germany under Adolf hitlet
hitler wanted Germany to have a very big and strong army. after he built hit army he was trying to annex as much as he could
describe hitlers plan for Germany
his plan was to have a pure German nation of aryans purged of outsiders (jews, salvs, communists, Roma, and gays) the extreme nationalism and propaganda fueled German citizens to blindly follow hitler even though the ideals were malicious
what were some of the consequences of WW2
after WW2 the acid powers were defeated. the axis of powers were an alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan. the defeat set the stage for an ideological and political rivalry between the us and the USSr gave way to start of the Cold War