Unit 7 Flashcards
Growth pole
an urban area, where due to pull factors, like an company moves in, other businesses start to rise because of economic growth.
The tendency of businesses in the same industry to cluster in the same area
Break of Bulk Point
Location where it is more economical to break raw materials into smaller units before shipping them further.
Commodity dependence
An economy that relies on the export of primary commodities for a large share of its export earnings and hence economic growth
Bulk gaining industry
An industry where the product gains volume or weight than the material its made of. It is sold closer to where the market for the product that it is selling is at. Examples include cars, packaged food
Bulk reducing industry
An industry in which the final product weighs less and is located closer to the inputs. Examples include mining, smelting, refining.
comparative advantage
the ability to produce a good at an efficient rate than another producer or country
The relationship between two countries, where the both have an industry that benefits them both
cottage industry
Manufacturing based in homes, commonly found in preindustrial Revolution.
decline in industrial activity in a region or economy.
tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.
The values of shares given by the company.
export processing zones (EPZs)
areas within developing countries that offer incentives and a barrier free environment to promote economic growth by attracting foreign investment for export oriented production.
Footloose industry
an industry that can be placed and located at any location without effect from factors such as resources or transport.
Fordist production
Form of mass production in which each worker is assigned one specific task to perform repeatedly.
Formal Economy
Refers to all economic activities operating within the official legal framework that are paying taxes on all generated incomes.
Gender Inequality Index (GII)
An indicator constructed by the U.N. to measure the extent of each country’s gender inequality in terms of reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market.
gender parity
a policy by which women have to make up either a certain number of the candidates in an election or a certain number of those elected
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
A measurement of the total goods and services produced within a country.
Gross National Income (GNI)
The value of the output of goods and services produced in a country in a year, including money that leaves and enters the country