Unit 7 Flashcards
Reasons why abuse can happen
Individual factors, environmental factors and other factors
Individual factors - DSSSLP
Have dementia, have sensory impairment, have a learning disability, lack mental capacity, looked-after children, physical disability
Environmental factors - HICAH
Health services, independent living facilities, care services with institutional practices, adults and children residing in health and social care settings, homelessness
Other factors - SSSSR
Situations where they are dependent on others, social isolation, situations where there is an invasion of privacy, staffing issues, relationships where there is an imbalance of power
Health and Social Care 2008
Established CQC as regulator to provide inspections of services
Care Act 2014
Requires local authority to make enquiries if an individual is at risk of abuse and set up boards to review cases when individuals die as a result of abuse
Mental Capacity Act 2005
A presumption of capacity should not be made unless proven otherwise, not to be treated as unable to make decisions unless all steps have been taken without success
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Provides the legal framework for whistleblowing, protects those who disclose information about abuse from harmful treatment
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Support rehabilitation into employment, aims to give opportunities to start fresh
Children Act 2004
5 outcomes - being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution, achieving economic wellbeing
Data Protection Act
Processed fairly and lawfully, not transferred outside the EU, accurate and up to date, used only for the purpose it was intended, kept for no longer than necessary
How to deal with suspicions of abuse
Dont ignore, ensure safety, report named person, keep evidence secure, record facts, refer suspicions to organisation
How to deal with disclosures of abuse
Listen and reassure, ensure safety, report to named person, keep evidence secure, record facts, refer to organisation
Policies and procedures (9)
Recruitment procedures, induction process, formal and informal systems, safeguard training, disclosure and barring service, multi-agency approach, risk assessments, accessible complaints procedures, designated protection officer
Ways of minimising the risk of abuse (7)
Person-centred planning, duty of care, effective record keeping, following policies and procedures, building a trusting professional relationship, effective communication channels, continuing professional development
Strategies to develop confidence and resilience
Supporting positive risk taking, promoting active participation, promoting choice, teaching personal safety