Unit 6 Weather Flashcards
la bas
par ici
over there
over here
this month
vague de froid
lots of cold
s’attendre a
attendre: attends,attends,attend,attendons,attendez,attendent
P.C.: attendu
to expect
to wait
clearly, obviously
comme préve
as predicted
il y a eu
there was
Passe Compose Past Particples- to express an action that has been completed. the three English equivalents are: e.g. I danced, I did dance, I have danced Avoir--eu etre--été faire--fait ouvrir--ouvret prendre--pris apprendre--appris comprendre--compris mettre--mis survrir--suivi boire--bu croire--cru savoir--su voir-vu devenir-du tenir--tenu recevoir--recu ecrire-ecrit
Passe compose- to express an action that has been completed
to have--had to be--been to make, to do --did open--opened to take--took to learn--learned to understand--understood to put--put to follow--followed to drink-- drank to believe--believed to know--believed to see--saw to become--became to hold--held to receive--received to write
aller a las chasse
to hunt
easily or comfortabley
un coin (ku-wan), un angle (on-gle)
each and every person
to shine
immediately, right away, straight away, as soon as
to come near, to come closer
to draw, to move, to get closer
Chaque (SEE VOL 2, p 530) De Temps, De temp en temp encore: pas encore jamais parfois quelquefois rarement souvent toujour tous le jours (mois, etc) une (deux, trois etc) fois
Je n’ai JAMAIS (use after the conjugated verb)
Je n’ai PAS ENCORE (use after the conjugated verb)
Je suis RAREMONT….
J’etudie TOUT LE TEMP…..
De temp en temp, j’aime boire….
each, every from time to time again, still: not yet never sometimes, occassionally " rarely often always every day, month, etc one, 2, 3 times
de nos jour
in these days
ça m’est egual
quelle que soit las saison….
it doesn’t matter
un arc en ciel, le soliel, la tempêtê, la neige, un verglas, un orage, un éclaire, un tonnerre, une eclaircie, une canicule, dégagé
Il fait beau, froid, doux (do); il ne fait pas beau, il ne fait pas froid, il ne fait pas doux;
Il fait un temp pluvieux, orageux,ensoleille,; il ne fait pas un temp pluvieux etc…
Il y a du brouillard, il y a de la pluie, il y a des orages; il n’ y a pas de brouillard, il n’ y a pas de pluie; il n’ y a pas d’orages (the de will not change unless it is in front of a vowel like orages.
rainbow in the sky, sun, storm, snow, black ice, thunder storm, the lightening, the thunder, the sunny spell, heat wave, clear sky
It is nice, cold, mild, it is not nice, etc…..
the temperature it is rainy, etc……
There is fog, There is rainy, there is a storm; There is no fog, rain, storm etc….