Unit 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
War of 1812

US- British conflict arising from US grievances over British impressment of US sailors on the sea during European wars

the right to vote

favoring one side of an argument
protective tariff

guards American industry from cheaper-made foreign goods; it protects them from competing with cheaper foreign goods

root or beginning
political party

association of individuals with similar beliefs who strive to get like-minded people elected to office

when one country would stop another country’s merchant ships and force the crews to join their navy
national bank
institution that would safeguard all financial transactions, stimulate the economy, and also enhance the shaky credit of the government

actions that go against or weaken an established governemnt

tax added to imported goods; the effect is to raise the cost of foreign made goods when sold in the US; benefits the producers

to legally overturn or reject

outside of the US
Monroe Doctrine

political announcement in 1823 that warned European nations not to get involved in political matters in Central and South America; intended to show that the United States was the only country that could influence such political decisions
national security

keeping the US safe from the threat of foreign countries or groups

related to the US
Farewell Address

speech given by Washington after his second presidential term in which he warns against the party system, stresses the importance of morality, and warns against permanent foreign alliances

group of advisors that work for the Executive Branch and help the president

firm and consistently strong

any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for future situations

not joining one side or the other in a conflict